6 PM




  1.  CALL TO ORDER; OPENING STATEMENT:  This meeting is being held in      

       compliance with Public Law 1975, Chapter 231, Sections 4 and 13, as notice of

       this meeting and the agenda thereof had been reported to The Citizen and the Morris

      County Daily Record on February 8 2008 and The Star Ledger on February 21, 2008

and posted in the municipal building.


       Mayor George Jackson called the meeting to order at 6 p.m.



All Council members were in attendance except for Deputy Mayor Davis. Councilwoman Wilson arrived at 6:30 p.m.

Also in attendance were Borough Manager Joe Tempesta, Borough Attorney Robert Oostdyk, and Borough Clerk Christina Whitaker


3.  2008 BUDGET – Joe Tempesta-Dana Mooney–Kathy Mantell

·         Recreation – Denise Brennan

Ms. Brennan thanked the members of the Police Department, Fire Department and DPW for helping with the recreation programs.

She explained the summer recreation program and several other events that are being planned.

The Recreation Commission recommended hiring an assistant beach director. The Commission would like Brad Davidson to be trained to eventually take Dede Conlan’s position when she retires. The Council asked Ms. Brennan to provide the actual hours that he would be working as part of his training period.

The Recreation Commission also recommended hiring an additional full-time DPW employee for summer maintenance jobs.

The Recreation Commission plans to offer an afternoon sport camp program in the summer for those parents who are looking for an all day program.

The Recreation Commission plans to discuss the fees for beach tags at its next meeting.

Ms. Brennan said the fundraising for fireworks would begin earlier this year due to the increase in cost associated with hiring a new vender to hold the event on July 4th

Ms. Brennan asked the Council to consider making her position full-time.

Ms. Brennan will prepare a 2007 report of last year’s activities, the costs associated with programs, and the number of participates and revenues.


·         Fire Department

Fire Chief Steve Butera presented his 2008 budget requests.

The Capital Budget request was for a new fire engine to replace a 16-year-old engine. The estimated cost is $450,000. The Fire Department maintains that relying on the older truck, as a first response vehicle, could limit its effectiveness. 

Other items in the budget included additional training for fire fighters, hose and ladder testing and replacement of pagers and personal protection equipment.


·         Police Department/ Chief Tovo/Capital Budget

Police Chief Tovo requested $35,000 for portable radios which would be compatible with the county-wide dispatch service.


Councilman Urankar asked about the use of stationery radar displays. Chief Tovo

said he believed the radar display trailer was more practical because it could be moved

to areas of concern.


The Council discussed the possibility of purchasing a hybrid police vehicle. Chief Tovo said they were not yet available under the state contract program.


·         DPW/Mark Prusina/Capital Budget   

      DPW Director Mark Prusina requested that the Capital Budget include money to replace

      the Fire Department roof and the replacement of the above ground fuel tanks located in

      the DPW yard. He also requested the replacement of certain vehicles, this included the

      1988 street sweeper, 1998 GMC pick-up, 1996 backhoe and the 1997 Ford pick-up. Mr.

      Prusina explained that various repairs to the Borough’s storm water system needed to

      be done at an estimated cost of $60,000.  He also appealed to the Council for the

      purchase of a pipe camera.  Work at Kaufman Park, Esplanade Park and the Wilson

      basketball court would cost about $26,000.


 Council members discussed the urgency of each of the requests. Mr. Tempesta told the

 Council that the cost to repair some of the older equipment warranted purchasing new

 vehicles, particularly the sweeper and backhoe.


 Councilwoman Emr suggested the Borough consider leasing some of the DPW vehicles

 or consider sharing some of the larger equipment with another municipality.


 Mr. Prusina explained the process necessary to retrieve fuel from the tanks. New  

 software to help keep track of usage was proposed. The Board of Education has agreed 

 to pay for half the cost. Mr. Tempesta said he considered it a good investment.


Mr. Prusina updated the Council on the repairs to well #3. He said there were problems with GPU and work had not proceeded.

The Council said it would like Borough Engineer William Ryden to attend a Council meeting to discuss the Borough’s firm capacity water issue as it relates to bringing well

# 3 on line. 


Mr. Prusina said he still had to research the requirements for the posts and hardware for street signs before he could make recommendations to the Council. He added that there have been reports of problems with the retro-reflective material used on the new signs.


·   Kathy Mantell /Nisivoccia & Company

Mrs. Mantell discussed with the Council problems facing the municipality in the 2008 budget. Last year an emergency appropriation for $47,377.65 was required. In addition there was approximately $25,000 in 2007 expenditures that were received by the finance office in January of 2008. Another $12,000 has to be raised for two older ordinances. These amounts must be included in the 2008 municipal budget and represents about 1% of the budget. Her memo to the Council also references surplus and revenue issues, along with the Reserve for Uncollected Taxes. (Hereto Attached)


Councilman Urankar said that the over expenditures should not have happened and if 

department managers had been reviewing encumbrances it would not have occurred.


Mayor Jackson said the requisition system was a good management control method to

correct the problem.


Mr. Tempesta told the Council that he froze spending within a few days of starting his job

and all expenditures (requisitions) must be approved by the Finance Officer and him.


 Councilman Urankar advised Mr. Tempesta that he needed to take a hard look at 

 management practices. He said this was the appropriate time to change undesirable  



Mayor Jackson said he would forward the Manager his suggestions after reviewing some of the line items and Capital Budget requests.


Mr. Tempesta said he was concerned with removing important infrastructure items from the budget.


Councilwoman Emr asked the Manager to check with the Tax Assessor on how and when new construction and additions on homes are evaluated by the Tax Assessors.


Mayor Jackson requested Mr. Tempesta provide a list of each employee’s salary and benefit costs to the Council.


The Mayor said he wanted the tax rate down to 5%. He suggested the elimination of one police officer would help reduce the budget.


Councilwoman Wilson suggested that past Borough practices might have created the need for the Borough to find ways to now catch up on items previously passed over.


Mr. Tempesta said he was taking a more in-depth look at the work load of some of the professionals in the Borough.


Community announcements and the public comment portion of the meeting were moved up on the Agenda to accommodate the public.



Councilman Shaw announced that the Girls and Boys Swim team are State

Champions.  This is the 4th year in a row that the boys have taken the title and the first time

in 29 years that two teams from the same school have received the title in the same year.


The Historic Preservation Committee will sponsor an Arts and Crafts Design Open House at

 the Community Church on February 29 and March 1, from 10 1.m.-4 p.m. There will be a

collection of Stickley furniture, period style hardware, light fixtures, tile wallpaper, carpets

and more.


The memorial service for Duke Smith will be held on Saturday, March 1 at 3 pm in the MLHS Auditorium. A reception will follow at the Villa beginning at 4:30 p.m.



Mayor Jackson opened the public comment portion of the meeting with consent of Council.


Mayor Jackson explained the Council’s policy of limiting each speaker to 5 minutes and no 

yielding of time to another person.



 Fred Kanter – Hanover Road

Mr. Kanter questioned why the Council was changing its procedures on releasing Executive Session minutes.

He said he met with Mr. Tempesta and asked for a new directional sign for the police department be placed on Route 46. He also asked why there was no number on the municipal building (400), when residents were required by ordinance to number their houses.

He suggested the DPW locate the old street signs that were replaced because those met State and Federal guidelines.


With no one else wishing to be heard, Mayor Jackson closed the public comment portion of the meeting.



R 52-08 Release of Executive Session Minutes- pulled by Mayor Jackson

R 53-08 Transfer Appropriations

R 54-08 Application for Membership in State Firemen’s Assoc.

R 55 -08 Payments of Bills



       February 11, 2008 – Regular

       February 11, 2008 – Executive


Council Member
























































                    Consent Agenda Vote














Borough Clerk Christina Whitaker asked the Mayor to call a 5 minute recess at 10:05 p.m.


Mayor Jackson called for a recess.



         Resolution 56-08

WHEREAS, the Borough Council of the Borough of Mountain Lakes, County of

Morris, State of New Jersey finds it necessary to discuss matters relating to,


·         PBA Negotiations

·         Shared Services

·         Review of Executive Minutes


WHEREAS, the Borough Council believes it to be in the best interest of the public to discuss such matters in closed session.


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Borough Council of the Borough of Mountain Lakes, that it shall enter Executive Session to discuss only those matters mentioned above; the results of which will be disclosed when the matters are resolved and upon vote of the Governing Body to release the minutes.


Dated:  February 25, 2008


_____________________                                                _____________________

Christina Whitaker, R.M.C.                                                George B. Jackson, Mayor


Motion by Councilman Shaw, second by Councilman Urankar, to enter Executive Session at 10:13 p.m., with all members in favor signifying by “Aye”.


Motion by Councilwoman Emr, second by Councilman Shaw, to close the Executive Session

portion of the meeting and return to the public portion of the meeting at 10:56 p.m., with all members in favor signifying by “Aye”.



       Draft Policy on Release of Executive Session Minutes (Hereto attached)

       Policy adopted after minor changes.         



       The Manager reported that the Police Chief had sent letters to residents on Wilcox Drive

       informing them that “No Parking” signs would soon be posted. The letter informed the

       residents to contact the Police Department if they were planning an event that would

       require parking on the street.              


       The Borough Manager received a request from Boonton Township’s Administrator/Clerk

       Barbara Shepard asking for a refund on dispatching services.  The Manger denied that

       request since the Borough will be providing the service until March 31, 2008.

       Ms. Shepard also requested that an $11,000 payment made to the Borough for capital

       improvements to the 9-1-1 system hardware be reimbursed. Mr. Tempesta said that while

       the improvements were made, the Borough has had issues concerning the charges and

       Verizon Communication has not been paid. Boonton Township’s contribution is being held

       pending the resolution of this problem.


        The Manager updated the Council on Converse Consultants proposal for safety

        inspections of all dams as required by the Department of Environmental Protection.



 A Highlands Committee report was given to Council for review.


 Mayor Jackson informed the Council that there would be two openings on the Planning  

 Board. Chairman Michael Lightner and Vice-Chair Barbara Palmer are moving out of town.


 The Council discussed nominations for Citizen of the Year and the Janice Hunts Award.


The Borough Facility Committee plans to report to the Council at the March 24th Council





 Motion by Councilman Shaw, second by Councilman Urankar, to adjourn the meeting at 11:30 p.m., with all members in favor signifying by “Aye.”


*Consent Agenda




___________________________                            _____________________

Christina Whitaker, Borough Clerk                           George B. Jackson, Mayor