October 25, 2010

 8 p.m.



M I N U T E S  



1.     CALL TO ORDER; OPENING STATEMENT: This meeting is being held in compliance

 with Public Law 1975, Chapter 231, Sections 4 and 13, as notice of this meeting and the agenda thereof had been reported to The Citizen and the Morris County Daily Record and The Star Ledger on January 5, 2010 and posted in the municipal building.


        Mayor Blair Bravo called the meeting to order at 8 p.m.



       All Council members were present. Councilman Jackson and McWilliams arrived at 8:02 p.m. and Deputy

       Mayor Gormally arrived at 8:04 p.m.


       Also in attendance were Borough Attorney Marty Murphy, Borough Manager Barry Lewis, and Borough  

      Clerk Christina Whitaker.                                                                         



The 49th Annual United Nations Weekend was held this past weekend. Mountain Lakes’ families host international graduate students and visitors from the United Nations Secretariat, and UN Missions, each year for two days in October. The UN Weekend Committee hopes to have 50 hosts next year to celebrate its 50th Anniversary.

The Medical Needs Foundation had its annual race this past Sunday. 

The Centennial Committee starting to sell memorabilia. Order forms are now available.


4. RECREATION – END OF YEAR REPORT (hereto attached)

Recreation Director Celia Flynn reported to the Council the success of this year’s planned events. She included in her report the goals and objectives of the Recreation Commission for 2011 and recommendations made by the Commission.

Ms. Flynn said the summer camp was well received with 100-150 children attending each week.

This year summer camp was fully self funding.

A special new event is planned for the day before Halloween. There will be a hayride, crafts, games, and snacks. The evening will end with an outdoor movie presentation.


The Recreation Commission is working on a new web page with updated information on upcoming events.

Mrs. Flynn added that a great deal of attention will be spent on planning family type activities for next year.


The Commission will be working with the Centennial Committee in scheduling events.


Councilman Shaw said the Borough was very fortunate to have Mrs. Flynn and Mrs. Conlon working for the Borough. He congratulated Mrs. Conlon on hiring life guards who behave in such a professional way.


Mrs. Conlon said ideally she would like to have 14 lifeguards available during the summer. However, she only had 12 this year.


Deputy Mayor Gormally said that having a safe beach environment was a real testimony to the community.

He said he was pleased to hear the Recreation Director say that new events were being planned.


Councilman Happer said that residents don’t fully comprehend the amount of effort that goes into making Mountain Lakes a special place to live.


The entire Council congratulated Mrs. Flynn and Mrs. Conlon for doing such a great job.


Mrs. Flynn explained some of the problems the Recreation Commission would like to have addressed.  It was the consensus of the Council that the Commission should work with the Manager in addressing those problems.



Mayor Bravo opened the public comment portion of the meeting with consent of the Council.


Mayor Bravo explained the Council’s policy of limiting each speaker to five (5) minutes and no yielding of time to another person.


Fred Kanter – Hanover Road

Mr. Kanter asked the Council to extend the five minute speaking policy since there were only a few people from the public in attendance. Mayor Bravo said the Council would adhere to its policy.

Mr. Kanter expressed his dissatisfaction with the response.

He asked the Council to address the issue of overgrown bushes at the corner of Hanover and Glen Road. He said the bushes create an unsafe condition for children walking in the area.

He also shared a personal experience that he said was caused by a fallen street sign at the intersection of Cobb Road. He said that a Lakeland bus driver did not know where Cobb Road was located because the sign was not visible. As a result, an elderly visiting friend was dropped off at a different location leaving her stranded in the Borough and him searching for her.

He noted his disapproval of the money spent on architectural designs for a new municipal building. He said the money could have been better spent replacing street signs in the Borough.


With no one else wishing to be heard, Mayor Bravo closed the public comment portion of the meeting.


Mayor Bravo asked Mr. Lewis to check the locations Mr. Kanter noted in his comments and address any unsafe conditions.


        6. RESOLUTIONS

            R 106 Tri-Town Little League

            R 115 Tax Appeal Refund

            R 116 Performance Bond Reduction/Weber

            R 117 Renewal of JIF Membership

            R 118 Appointment of North Jersey Health Insurance Fund - Pulled for Discussion by Councilwoman Emr

            R 119 Deferred Compensation Plan – Moved to the November 22 meeting.

            R 120 Payment of Bills


       7. *MINUTES

      October 12, 2010 Regular

      October 12, 2010 Executive




                                                Consent Agenda Vote


Council Member




































































Council Member

























































                                      R118-10 Vote















          Councilman Jackson commented on his objection to R119 because it implies an endorsement by the the

          Council. Mr. Lewis explained the agreement was standard and it was clearly understood that the

          agreement was not an endorsement by the Council but purely elective.


          8. ATTORNEY’S REPORT

          Mr. Murphy explained that a resolution was not necessary on a Tax Assessors’ decision when a

          settlement amount is reached.


          Deputy Mayor Gormally said he would like to set a policy, as a condition to any tax settlement, that the

          refunded amount be credited to future quarterly tax payments, rather than a cash refund.


          Mr. Murphy said he agreed with the concept but didn’t feel it could be mandated.


         9. MANAGER’S REPORT

         Mr. Lewis attended a County open space meeting and gave a presentation on the Borough’s application.


         Mr. Lewis explained Trenton’s position on well # 3. The Borough will have to elevate the height of the

         pump. This will be less costly than replacing the equipment Trenton originally said had to be



        Mr. Lewis said the 5 year moratorium on the Borough’s water allocation will end September 1, 2011.

        The only way to have it lifted before the 5 years is up would be to file a petition. Trenton suggested that it

        could take as much as a year and by that time the moratorium would be over.


       Lake lowering permits were received from the State DEP for Mountain and Wildwood Lakes.  Notices

       were hand delivered to lake residents.  Lowering will stop as of December 1.


      The Centennial Committee will be meeting this week to discuss the Cove project.


       The Facilities Sub-Committee is working on recommendations now that the energy audit has been



       Councilwoman Emr said that in future years the lake residents should be notified much earlier when the

       lakes are being lowered in order to guarantee repairs can be made in a timely manner.



 Resignation of Joan Nix/Planning Board


Councilman McWilliams said the sub committees of the Centennial Committee are now meeting and everything is coming together nicely.

He noted that public notice will be essential if the celebration is to be a success.


Motion by Councilwoman Emr, second by Councilman Jackson, to appoint Paul Odenwelder to the Traffic and Safety Committee, with all members in favor signifying by “Aye.”


Councilman Happer said the Web Site Committee is in need of a member. The Chair would like to have someone with graphic design experience.


The Web Site Committee would like to have minutes up on the web site from each Committee.


Councilman Shaw said the Shared Services Committee will have a report for the next Council meeting.

However, the Facilities Sub Committee is not ready to report anything at this time.


Mayor Bravo urged the Council Liaisons to remind their Committees that if they have not returned their goals and budget requests to the Clerk yet, they need to do so right away.  



     Motion by Councilman Shaw, second by Deputy Mayor Gormally, to adjourn the meeting at

     10:10 p.m. with all members in favor signifying by “Aye.




*Consent Agenda


 Attest:___________________________                       ________________________                 Christina Whitaker, Clerk                                                                        Blair Bravo, Mayor