Environmental Commission Minutes

January 9, 2008


Attendance: Kevin Edwards (Chair), Oliver Turner, Cathy Harvey, Corey Nachshen, Phil Notestine, Murray Robertson, Todd Terhune, Tom Carr,

and Khizar Sheikh. Total = 9


December minutes approved – Cathy moved, Corey seconded

November minutes – not yet approved - need to contact Blair


Goal Updates


1. Riparian Buffer


Discussion and update on Riparian Buffer ordinance

Khizar – presented and discussed an information packet for non-conformers / violators and the penalties therein.

Motion - accept recommendation: use EPA language 14/18 (section VII Enforcement Procedures)


Actions Items:


  1. Khizar - draft agreed language and send to all by email for review. 
  2. Kevin - contact Mayor and new borough manager to get the name of the local certified health officer (shared with Montville).
  3. Todd - circulate language for non-conformers.
  4. Murray – contact Jeana for map of ML riparian buffers


2. Well Head Protection (WHP)

Discussion and update on WHP ordinance

Corey – two phone calls to Denville. They will show Corey around.

Todd – not connected with DPW yet – Pending


Actions Items:


  1. Corey –  meet with Denville people
  2. Todd –  contact DPW



3. Environmental Resource Inventory


Kevin - Presentation of ERI proposal – Desired Scope of work Elements – Belvidere vs. Madison vs. ML. Costs? Last ML ERI was 1979 – partially updated in 1990s.

Changes – land use, flora, and fauna.


Discussion of various ERIs – how they vary, what they show


Action Item:


  1. Kevin – contact Blair and Mayor for budget and copies -  contact Richard Urankar (council liaison)  to check whether we have the funds
  2. Kevin and Corey  - scope of work - determine which area we want to work on vs. master plan
  3. Kevin - identify a company that can do the work – seek bids from 3-6 companies with copies of 1979 ERI
  4. Cathy – contact Barbara Palmer (chair of Master plan) – check timelines
  5. Tom –  check the 1996 data – used to be on the website
  6. Murray – (need to) identify the vernal ponds


4. Green Building advocacy + League of Women Voters

Murray - League – Consider the municipal building to be green

Kevin – EC needs to liaise with the league


Action item


  1. All EC members should do the ‘carbon footprint’ test on-line at the league’s website


General comments


Tom – Trail commission propose to be part of the EC

Cathy – Can we change the meeting date? For now, second Wednesday will remain.




Richard Urankar (new council liaison) will be attending next meeting.


Public Comments




The meeting was adjourned at 9.09pm

Next meeting February 13th at 7.30pm