Green Team Meeting Minutes July 29, 2011


AttendanceJackie Bay and Barry Lewis


Actions:  Barry reported that the contracts have been awarded for the municipal energy audit implementation work and that $70K worth of improvements would be made to the DPW and Borough Hall.  Due to grants achieved, the Borough contribution would only be roughly $20K.  He reported that he needed to schedule the work and that it should be completed in August.


Jackie reported that the NRI is still not complete but could conceivably be finished in August.  The next submission deadline is August 26, 2011 and that if we make this deadline, Mountain Lakes would be honored in a Sustainable Jersey luncheon in November.  It was determined that the public relations would be of value and that we should attempt to make this deadline. 


The Bonner Scholars program in which the Borough could obtain a college intern to help complete certification work was discussed.  Due to the application deadline (August 5) and the fact that outstanding work was more secretarial versus cerebral, it was determined that we should pass on the application and spend our time uploading documentation.  


Solar installation at MLHS:  Jackie shared the submission guidelines to achieve 10pts behind the completed solar installation at the High School. 


Lastly, Barry and Jackie agreed upon the goals of getting our current points submitted by the August deadline, if possible and putting together a new team in the Fall to develop a plan for Silver level certification.  To that end, Jackie contacted Robin Anderson, science teacher at Briarcliff, about her outstanding work around water education.  It was agreed that last years’ efforts could most likely be submitted for another 10pts and that we would collaborate on this years’ efforts to see if even more points might be achieveable.


Next Steps: 


Next Meeting:  Tentatively week of Sept 19th at Briarcliff School