Historic Preservation Committee

Meeting Minutes – March 10th, 2011

A meeting of the Mountain Lakes Historic Preservation Committee (“HPC”) was held on March 10, 2011 in the meeting room at the Mountain Lakes Borough Hall.  In attendance were Tom Dagger, John Grossman, Peggy Bulfer, Jess Mahony, Beth Mauro, and Brigid Walsh. 

1.  Minutes – The Committee approved the minutes of the February 10, 2011 meeting in the form distributed to the Committee in advance of the meeting.

2.  Treasurer’s Report


Opening Balance as of 2/7/11:  $37,461.49









Total Debits:                 $839.44


$263.56 to Pat Rusak for Historic Photos, postage and scanning; $105.42 to Peggy Bulfer for postage for Centennial Books; $320.46 to Erie Landmark for 2 Hapgood plaques; $75.00 to John and $75.00 to Tom for workshop at Drew University.








Total Credits:                $1,493.00


Centennial Book Sales account for $450, $280, and $705. The $58.00 is for the sales of Historic ML books at the library.

Closing Balance as of 3/9/11:  $38,115.05


3.  Archivist’s Report – In Pat Rusak’s absence, Peggy Bulfer noted that Pat had installed an exhibit consisting of historical pictures of Mountain Lakes at Wildwood School. 

4.  Centennial Report – None given, as our Centennial representative, Pat Rusak, was not in attendance.

5.  Public Comments (Each individual who is not an invited guest and who wishes to speak will be allowed up to 5 minutes.   Unused speaking time by one speaker is lost; it may not be used by another speaker.)


6.  Old Business:


HPC Open House.  Roberta Matalon, who is heading the Open House, reported via an e-mail message read aloud by John Grossmann that the attendee and vendor list had been firmed up. In addition to the Centennial Committee, she’s expecting:  representatives from the Stickley Museum, Nest & Company, Menard Construction, architects Joan Nix and Lawrence Korinda, Bograd’s Furniture, and John Hofacker/Craftsman Antiques. She said she is borrowing period music, will purchase beverages and snacks, and will see that notices are sent to local newspapers and sandwich board advertisements are positioned around town. So far she had lined up Brigid Walsh on Friday and Jess Mahony on Saturday to help man the HPC table and assist.  


Centennial Book sales to date and receipts disposition discussion.  With Peggy Bulfer sharing that book sales are fast approaching 800 copies, and with the second and final check for $9,008 having recently been sent to Rutgers Press, the Committee discussed the issue of reimbursing the Borough for its $25,000 payment to the book’s author Patty Herold.  While the Borough undertook to pay the author’s fee with no expectation of being repaid, it was the consensus of those present that it was the right thing to do.  Because of the highly favorable terms reached with Rutgers and successful sales of the book, the Committee could afford to do so, and with total receipts of roughly $48,000, the Committee would still have a current profit of about $5,000 after doing so.  [Note to Minutes:  Prior to the Borough Council meeting on March 28, the Committee voted formally by email to authorize the reimbursement of the $25,000 to the Borough.]


Historic Preservation Ordinance.  Tom Dagger led a discussion of the status of the Historic Preservation Ordinance implementing the recommendations of the Master Plan Historic Preservation Element update adopted in July 2010.  Tom reviewed his conversation with Blair Bravo in which it was agreed that Tom and John would attend the Borough Council meeting on March 28 where they would present the Committee’s proposal and solicit feedback from the Borough Council on how to proceed.  The Committee discussed the most recent draft of a one-page overview of the proposed ordinance prepared by Tom, which would be the basis for discussing the issue with the Borough Council.  Following discussion, the Committee approved the draft and authorized Tom and John to proceed as outlined.


Drew University Historic Preservation Commission workshop.  John Grossmann, Tom Dagger and Beth Mauro reported to the Committee on an all-day workshop they attended on March 5 at Drew University called “Preservation in Practice: A Primer for Historic Preservation Commissions.”  They each felt the workshop was extremely worthwhile, enlightening them on many of the details of what would be entailed in implementing any historic preservation ordinance, as well as the types of issues that Historic Preservation Commissions in other towns are facing.   It was also invaluable hearing from representatives of the State Historic Preservation Office and making contacts with that office for resources and consultation in the future.


Oral Histories.  John Grossmann reported that he had transcribed the Doug McWilliams oral history and sent it to Margarethe Laurenzi for further editing and to better prepare her for a second sit down with McWilliams to address uncovered topics such as his experiences on the fire department. Grossmann also shared that he had finished the dual oral history with Zach and Marilyn Morgofen and has passed it on to ML webmaster Andy Bulfer for posting.


Historic Audio Walking Tour.  John Grossmann reported that Andy Bulfer has so far burned the tour onto eight CDs and if jewel case art and CD labeling can be accomplished in time, there will be a small number of walking tour CDs available for the Open House.  Grossmann said that Mike Schmidt at the Market jumped at the chance to display a poster in the Market and an iPod to loan to his customers. He even provided the iPod—which was given to Peggy Bulfer to pass on to Andy Bulfer to load with the tour.  That will make three such loanable iPods. The other two will be at the Library.  Schmidt, who uses social media to draw business from outside of Mountain Lakes, said he would tell his customers about the walking tour when the proper time has come.


7.  New Business


Salvage trailer inventory.  John Grossmann mentioned an e-mail from a Briarcliff Road resident who is eager to donate a sink and tub and bathroom fixtures currently stored in his garage—which, Grossmann said, adds impetus to taking stock of what’s in the salvage trailer and seeing if, as reported, it’s stuffed to the gills and perhaps in need of a bit of culling.  He said he’d contact Mac McElduff and try to arrange to do so, perhaps with other HPC members, in advance of or on the spring cleanup day. 


Midvale Stores update.  John Grossmann explained the complicated ownership situation and his continuing efforts to clarify the ownership status of each of the segments of the Stores building. 


New members.  An e-mail from Blair Bravo provided the news that the Borough Council had approved Brigid Walsh and had missed our nomination of Beth Suereth and would promptly take up her candidacy.


Thank you to Library Staff.  The Committee considered an appropriate way to show its appreciation to the Library staff for all it has done for the Committee, including sales of the Centennial Book.  After discussion, it was agreed that the Committee would sponsor a thank you dinner for the Library staff at the Market on a date to be determined. 

8.  Closing Items

Date/time of next meeting:

-Thursday April 7th