Historic Preservation Committee

Meeting Minutes -- April 7, 2011

A meeting of the Mountain Lakes Historic Preservation Committee (“HPC”) was held on April 7, 2011 in the meeting room at the Mountain Lakes Borough Hall.  In attendance were Co-Chairs Tom Dagger and John Grossmann.  Also in attendance were Pat Rusak, Roberta Matalon, Jess Mahony, Peggy Bulfer and Borough Council Liaison, Blair Bravo.  Beth Mauro and Bridgid Walsh were absent.

The Committee approved the minutes of the March 10th, 2011 meeting in the form distributed to the Committee in advance of the meeting.

Opening Items

Treasurer's Report – On behalf of the Treasurer, Chris Sheasby, John Grossmann reported the following financial information. 

The opening balance was $38,115.05 as of 3-9-11.  

Expenses since the last meeting included $25,000.00 to the Borough of Mountain Lakes  for Patty Herold’s fee; $37.14 to Peggy Bulfer for postage; $168.00 to Eire Landmark for one Hapgood plaque; $172.49 to Pat Rusak for an archive shelf and supplies; $13.37 to Andy Bulfer for Open House signs; $100.00 for Open House cash advance; and $145.00 to the Community Church for the Open House.  Total expenses came to $25,636.00. 

Revenue included $1,212.00, $1,050.00 and $750.00 for Centennial Books; $1,000.00 for five plaques; $378.00 for sales at the Open House; and $100.00 cash returned from the Open House advance.  Total revenues:  $4,490.00.

Closing balance was $16,969.05 as of 4-6-11.

Archivist's Report

Pat Rusak reported that the former Archivist, Jackie Burkett, suggested she might have a box of historic photos for the HPC.  Dana Stokes may also have historic photos to donate as well. 

Centennial Report

The HPC will bring a display to this month’s Empty Bowls event and will also have several tables of historical exhibits downstairs at the Library for the Mountain Lakes Day festivities on Memorial Day.  Three HPC members will be downstairs at the Library and two will be at an HPC table by the Train Station parking lot.  Blair Bravo, who is on the Centennial Committee, shared with the HPC the Cove Landscape plans and provided a brief description of the work to be done. 

Public Comments    


Old Business

Historic Preservation Ordinance – Tom Dagger and John Grossmann reported on the Borough Council meeting on March 28, which they attended.  John had presented the Council with the $25,000 check in reimbursement for the funds that had been advanced for Patty Herold’s fee for writing the Centennial Book.  Tom then presented the HPC proposal for implementing the recommendations from the 2010 updates to the Master Plan Historic Preservation Element and asked for an indication from the Council members whether they supported further work to develop the proposals.  Tom reported that all of the Council members present listened, provided thoughtful comments on the proposals (pro and con) and showed appreciation for the information shared.  A majority of the Council members present were generally supportive of the proposals overall (if not perhaps each element of the proposals), and the go-ahead was given to the HPC to (1) develop the proposals into specific ordinance language to be considered by the Council, and (2) prepare a plan for obtaining input from affected parties and the general public

Tom Dagger is working with Jess Mahony on developing proposed ordinance language and developing a process for obtaining input from outside the HPC.

John Grossmann expressed an interest in introducing and educating the public about the proposed ordinances.  Blair Bravo suggested working meetings to discuss the ordinances and obtain input and insights from particular groups.  Those people to consider would be those preferably with expertise in land use issues such as realtors, builders, architects, and others.  The zoning “incentives” approach being pursued based on the Master Plan recommendation would break new ground because there is no model for this approach the HPC is aware of in NJ.  A public forum will be needed eventually to help educate the public.  The League of Women Voters may be helpful as moderators.

Centennial Book – Peggy Bulfer reported that while slowing down, book sales continue.

Historic Walking Tour – John Grossmann reported the iPod version of the walking tour is ready to go live.  Two iPods, with instructions and a tour map plus two speakers, will be available for checkout at the Library.  Additionally, one iPod (belonging to owner Mike Schmidt) plus speaker will be available at the Market.  Both locations will have posters advertising the walking tour.   A concern for keeping the i-Pod equipment fully charged prior to each loan was discussed.  If necessary, a training session can be held to teach Library personnel how to operate the iPods—so they can teach others.

Ten walking tour CDs were sold at the Open House.  More will need to be made in time for Mountain Lakes Day.

Oral Histories –  John Grossmann briefly reported that the oral history with Zach and Marilyn Morfogen had been sent to the webmaster for posting.  Part I of the Doug McWilliams oral history is still being produced by Margarthe Laurenzi and McWilliams before they sit down to record part II.

HPC Open House-- The Open House was successfully held on April 1st and 2nd. Suggestions were made by participants and reported by Roberta Matalon.  A document explaining the process and requirements for future events was shared at the meeting and distributed to all HPC members via e-mail.  The document included vendor feedback that it would be best not to hold the event on a Friday but rather over a weekend or just one Saturday.  It was also suggested that the Open House be tied in with another event, such the House Tour held by the Town Club, to piggyback on advertising and crowds.  At this year’s event, the HPC sold approximately 10 CDs, four Centennial books, three plaques and other miscellaneous items.  Traffic was modest, but the event was well done.  HPC decided not to hold a second Open House this year in conjunction with the House Tour, but was open to doing so in future years.

Salvage Trailer Inspection / Clean-up - John Grossmann and Tom Dagger will check out the trailer on April 9th to assess the condition of its contents and try to determine what might be discarded to make room for additional items and improve access to existing inventory

New Business

New Members – John Lester was suggested as a new member of the HPC by Blair Bravo.  The HPC was informed that he has a history of participating on the Historic Preservation Commission in Jersey City.  John Grossmann will contact him to discuss his interest and availability to serve on the HPC.

Other – A glitch in the website posting of minutes was discussed.  The HPC only recently learned that minutes for the last few meetings had not been posted on the borough website.  This was due to a misunderstanding that minutes e-mailed to borough clerk Christina Whitaker would be posted by her.  The HPC will see that the missing minutes are posted and in the future see that newly approved minutes are also uploaded promptly. 

Date for Next Meeting

The next meeting will be on Wednesday, May 11, 2011 at 7:30 PM in an upstairs meeting room at the Mountain Lakes Borough Hall.

Minutes prepared by Roberta Matalon and other HPC member contributors.