Historic Preservation Committee

Meeting Minutes – July 12, 2012

A meeting of the Mountain Lakes Historic Preservation Committee (“HPC” or the “Committee”) was held on July 12th, 2012, in the meeting room at the Mountain Lakes Borough Hall.  In attendance were Co-Chairs Tom Dagger and John Grossmann, Pat Rusak, Beth Mauro, Roberta Matalon, Brigid Walsh, John Lester, Chris Smith, and Borough Council Liaison Peter Holmberg, who arrived late from another meeting at the Borough Hall.  Also joining the meeting was Borough Webmaster Andy Bulfer.  Jess Mahony was absent.

Approval of Prior Meeting’s Minutes

The Committee approved the minutes of the June 13th meeting in the form distributed to the Committee in advance of the meeting. 

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Chris Sheasby e-mailed the following financial information:

Opening Balance as of June 11, 2012:  $26,969.52



$500.00           Pat Rusak (see explanation below*)



$500.00           Town Club (see explanation below*)

    29.00           Historic photos

    10.00           Salvage trailer donation (door molding for Hapgood owner)



*    Chris explained as follows:  “The Town Club gave $500.00 to the Centennial Committee for the Esplanade Project and made the check out to the HPC (in error). So Pat gave me the $500.00 to deposit and I wrote her a check for that amount.”


Closing Balance as of July 10, 2012:  $27,008.52.


Archivist’s Report

Not addressed this month due to heavy agenda for HP incentives ordinance.

Public Comments


Old Business

Borough Council Meeting on July 23

Tom Dagger reminded everyone that the Borough Council would was scheduled to take a final vote on July 23 on the Historic Preservation Incentives Ordinance conceived by the HPC and developed by the ad hoc committee he chaired that was made up of local builders, architects, realtors, and planning and zoning board members.  As many HPC members as possible were encouraged to attend the council meeting to show our support for the incentive-based ordinance.

Work Plan for Historic Preservation Ordinance

The Committee then turned its attention the work plan for tasks to be completed by the Committee in support of implementation of the Ordinance. 

Website.  With Webmaster Andy Bulfer in attendance, there was first discussion of a website that would be created to provide information and resources necessary for implementation of, and public education about, the Ordinance.  This would include the Restoration Handbook, list of Contributing Dwellings, Frequently Asked Questions, documentation guidelines for historic homes prior to issuance of a demolition permit, and photographs documenting the condition of each Contributing Dwelling at the time the Ordinance goes into effect.  The Committee and Andy discussed the general approach to laying out the website, and it was agreed that Andy would take the lead in developing a proposed layout which could then be reviewed and commented upon by members of the Committee prior to going live.  Andy left the meeting after this portion of the discussion was concluded.

Photographs.  The 13 pages of relevant Hapgood and Belhall houses constituting “Contributing Dwellings” under the Ordinance were assigned among Committee members and some additional volunteers to be photographed for the website.  The work is to be completed by the end of August, with the photos taken and labeled according to the detailed protocols and delivered to Andy Bulfer on a thumb drive.  The Committee discussed a draft protocol that was distributed in advance of a meeting and provided comments and suggestions that would be incorporated before it was finalized to be provided to the photographers.

List of Contributing Dwellings.  The Committee discussed a proposed list of historic homes that would satisfy the definition of “Contributing Dwelling” provided in the Ordinance and be presumptively eligible for the zoning incentives provided under the Ordinance.   This list was initially developed by Chris Smith based on information provided in the 2005 application for the Mountain Lakes Historic District, augmented by information provided by Pat Rusak concerning demolitions.  Discussion was had regarding (1) one home that was, incorrectly it is believed, designated a Hapgood under the 2005 application but otherwise satisfied the age criterion, (2) several homes that may, also incorrectly, not have been properly designated as Hapgoods or Belhalls under the 2005 application, and (3) other homes that were incorrectly designated as Hapgoods or Belhalls under the 2005 application because they had in fact been demolished and rebuilt.  It was decided that the Committee would be bound to apply the Ordinance definitions as written, and accordingly the home described under (1) would be included in the list of Contributing Dwellings, the homes described under (2) would be excluded from the list of Contributing Dwellings, and the homes described under (3) would not initially be eligible to be included in the list of Contributing Dwellings but would be researched and proposed for addition to the list by subsequent ordinance, upon recommendation of the Committee to the Borough Council.

Documentation Guidelines.  The Committee began discussing the written guidelines that will be necessary in those cases where the homeowner seeking a demolition permit opts to perform the documentation rather than have the Committee fulfill that pre-demolition requirement of the Ordinance. John Lester agreed to prepare an initial draft reflecting the input from this discussion for review and comment by the Committee at the next meeting.

Public Education.  The Committee discussed actions that would be useful in making sure the public was educated about the Ordinance, since the success of the Ordinance would depend heavily on public awareness of the incentives that would be foregone if a Hapgood or Belhall home were demolished.  These tasks include information for the website such as an overview description and FAQs, a letter to owners of historic homes from the Committee Co-Chairs, and correspondence and meetings with builders, architects and realtors.

Auction of Midvale Stores building

John Grossmann reported that he had been to the walk-through opportunity for potential bidders on the Midvale Store building that houses The Market.  There were at least two potential buyers from town present and it was clear that Bill Corvelli, the owner of the Salon (and upstairs apartment), would likely be another potential bidder at the auction on July 17th

Fall Open House at Library & Centennial Merchandise Sale

It was decided to hold the event downstairs at the Library on Friday, October 19th, and Saturday, October 20th, to coincide with Homecoming.  Notice of the sale of centennial merchandise—especially the banners that hung on town lamp posts—will need to get out in various ways:  via the homepage of the town website, possibly on the sign by Borough Hall, or in the town e-mail messages, and hopefully in local newspaper coverage or notices. 

Salvage Trailer

Brigid Walsh reported that her daughter Keara had made good progress on the photo pages of doors and windows and shared the working website url.

Oral Histories

There was no time to discuss this item.

New Business

None was discussed.

Date for Next Meeting

Thursday, August 16th, at 7:30 p.m., at the Mountain Lakes Borough Hall.

Minutes prepared by John Grossmann and Tom Dagger.