Borough of Mountain Lakes

Lakes Management Advisory Committee

February 2005 Issues




l Discussion of the bids for 2005 service.  Allied Biological had the low bid and the bid most in compliance with specifications.  Council has approved Allied Biological's bid. 


l Allied gave detailed discussion of the alum treatment schedule and reductions for 2005.  Allied is questioning and reviewing impact of alum on increase of native bladderwort (Utricularia sp.) in lakes.  Southern Naiad should return in Mountain Lake in 2005.  The 2004 Eurasian Milfoil treatments also suppressed Naiad.  The increase in Naiad may reduce need for alum in 2005 by acting as a nutrient sink.


l The Borough Manager discussed the 2004 cleaning project and issues arising for 2005.


l Manager presented the cost and effect of the past 5-year lake cleaning project.


l NJ State DEP has given notice that Mountain Lakes has 5 high hazard dams. This is not a notice of failure probability but is determined by the nature and extent of the downstream effect if failure did occur.  Four of the five dams have already been addressed.  Sunset Lake dam will be studied for two years followed by a plan and construction.


l Manager discussed the State's storm water management mandates.  It may be possible to clean most storm drains in town every year with the new jet vacuum equipment.


l Allied Biological has the permit process underway.


l The Committee discussed treatment impact on fish.  None has been observed and the primary chemical used for treatment is approved by the USFDA for use in fish hatcheries at a higher level than that used in lakes. ( This Web site is not approved or reviewed by Allied or the Borough of Mountain Lakes and the link is provided only as an example of information available on the Web.


There is an issue of whether some of the observed plants are actually Loosestrife and whether other plants have positive or negative impact on lake shores.


l The DEP will continue to conduct egg addling and other goose control measures on contract from Mountain Lakes.