May 27, 2010


Chair Sandy Batty read the Open Public Meeting Advertisement Notice adopted at the annual meeting on January 28, 2010:  Adequate notice of this meeting was given to the Citizen and the Daily Record, posted with the Borough Clerk and on the Bulletin Board on February 4, 2010, and made available to all those requesting individual notice and paying the required fee.



Members Present: Nachshen, Batty, Bailey, Lewis, Kane, Selver (7:50 pm), Bravo, Holmberg and Zamierowski

Absent: Nix, Jackson

Also Present: Engineer Bill Ryden and Attorney Peter Henry


REVIEW OF MINUTES:  Barry Lewis made a motion to adopt the corrected minutes of the April 22, 2010 meeting.  Peter Holmberg seconded the motion; the minutes were approved by voice vote.



ROBERT  KLINGENBURG                                       123 Lake Drive

Blk. 101, Lot 48                                                           App. 09-237

Minor Subdivision                                                         R-A Zone


A letter requesting a second extension of time for the Klingenburg application was received by the Board Secretary. Richard A. Stein, representing Mr. Klingenburg for Laddey, Clark and Ryan, was requesting an extension so that the Borough Engineer, Bill Ryden, could have time to review the final set of plans before the deadline to file the deeds. Mr. Ryden thought one month was enough time to review the plans. Peter Henry had already prepared the resolution granting the extension of time for the Boards approval. Blair Bravo made a motion to adopt the resolution and Barry Lewis provided the second.  The resolution was adopted by a vote of 8-0 with members Batty, Bravo, Lewis, Holmberg, Nachshen, Bailey, Kane and Zamierowski voting in favor.

Mr. Stein requested the chair sign the deeds in advance so that she would not have to sign them after Bill Ryden approved the plans.  Peter Henry said it was not possible to do so. The Board Secretary will arrange for the signing of the deeds and contact Mr. Stein when they are ready to be picked up.


CIGCO, LLC/Ted Peters                                             1 Hillcrest Road

BK. 95 Lot 36                                                             Appl. 10-241

Soil Moving                                                                  R-A Zone


John Zamierowski recused himself from hearing the application since he lives within 200 feet of the applicant. Mark Giligliano, a licensed Engineer from Dykstra Walker, presented the soil moving application. Peter Henry confirmed that Ted Peters was the applicant rather than CIGCO, LLC.  Sandy Batty asked about the trees that would be removed or disturbed during the soil moving process. Mr. Giligliano confirmed that only the trees identified on the Lot Development Plan would be removed, all others would remain.  Mrs. Batty asked how much soil would be moved, 824 CY.  The truck route would be from Hillcrest to Dartmouth to Lake Drive to the Boulevard to Route 46.  Barry Lewis asked if the applicant accepted the conditions stated in the letter from the Borough Engineer Bill Ryden, they did.  Jim Bailey asked if they would be operating on Saturday, they reserved the right to work on Saturday.  Bill Ryden said the soil moving application was consistent with the plan that was already approved. It will take a few days to move the soil.

There were no questions from the public.

Peter Holmberg made a motion to approve the soil moving application, Blair Bravo provided the second.  The application was approved by a vote of 7-0 with members Batty, Bravo, Lewis, Holmberg, Nachshen, Selver and Bailey voting in favor.



Master Plan Committee10. Historic Preservation PlanHighlands Committee

The Board had a updated copy of the plan with the changes suggested at last meeting.  Tom Dagger from the Historic Preservation Committee (HPC) was asked to participate in the discussion. 

The Board had extensive discussion on the recommendations for the Historic Preservation Ordinances. Paul Selver was concerned about the private property aspect of an ordinance. He felt the key landmarks should get greater protection under the ordinance and there needed to be some kind of hardship relief for the private property owners. Peter Holmberg stated the Borough needed to protect the key landmarks but thought we should eliminate item #5 a, b and c pertaining to the demolition of historic buildings. He thought it should not be in the Master Plan but rather a recommendation from the HPC to the Council. Mr. Holmberg also thought we should be making the Master Plan easy to read and understand. Sandy Batty stated, whenever there is a controversial topic before the Board, members of the community will go to the plan and quote from the document to support their case. Peter Henry told the Board they had to be careful not to dilute the document too much because professionals would be using the plan to support their applications. This is the Board’s document and it should reflect how the Board feels about the different topics.

In the end the Board decided to list the following as recommendations for a Historic Preservation Ordinance:

1. Change the HPC from a Committee to a Commission

2. Establish a list of Key Landmarks

3. Prohibit demolition and significant alterations to the exteriors of key landmarks

4. Prepare a list of municipally designated historic landmarks

5. Provide incentives for the preservation of and establish disincentives to the demolition of all historic buildings and establish standards for appropriate alterations of the same. Items a, b and c would be eliminated under #5.

They also agreed to eliminate the Historic Preservation Committee responsibilities.  The Evaluation of Impact of Other Master Plan Elements would not be listed as an appendix.

Under this section we would eliminate the paragraph on Aquifers and items 2 and 3 under Chapter VI Conservation Plan.

The element was sent back to the committee for review.


 Sandy Batty made a motion to adjourn the meeting. The Board adjourned at 9:10PM.


                                                                                    Respectfully submitted,



                                                                                    Cynthia Shaw, Secretary