January 27, 2011


Chair Sandy Batty read the Open Public Meeting Advertisement Notice adopted at the annual meeting on January 28, 2010:  Adequate notice of this meeting was given to the Citizen and the Daily Record, posted with the Borough Clerk and on the Bulletin Board and made available to all those requesting individual notice and paying the required fee.



Members Present: Batty, Zamierowski, Bailey, Selver (7:35), Holmberg and Lewis

Absent: Nachshen, Kane and Gormally

Also Present: Attorney Peter Henry

Absent: Engineer Bill Ryden



Election of Chair – Barry Lewis made a motion to appoint Sandy Batty Chair of the Planning Board; John Zamierowski provided the second. The motion was approved by voice vote.
Election of Vice Chair –   Sandy Batty made a motion to appoint Jim Bailey Vice Chair of the Planning Board; Barry Lewis provided the second. The motion was approved by voice vote.

Appointment of the Board Attorney – Barry Lewis made a motion to appoint Peter Henry of Dillon, Bitar, and Luther the Planning Board Attorney and John Zamierowski provided the second.  The motion was approved by a 6 to 0 roll call vote.

Appointment of Secretary –   Barry Lewis made a motion to appoint Cynthia Shaw the Planning Board Secretary and Peter Holmberg provided the second.  The motion was approved by a 6 to 0 roll call vote.

Appointment of Board Engineer – Barry Lewis made a motion to appoint Bill Ryden of Anderson and Denzler Assoc., Inc. the Planning Board Engineer and John Zamierowski   provided the second.  The motion was approved by a 6 to 0 roll call vote.

Appointment of Board Planner – Barry Lewis told the Board the Planner’s firm had changed their name to Kimball Planning Associates.  Barry Lewis then made a motion to appoint Duggan and Susan Kimball of Kimball Planning Associates the Planning Board Planners and Peter Holmberg provided the second.  The motion was approved by a 6 to 0 roll call vote.

Designation of Official Newspapers – Barry Lewis made a motion to designate The Citizen and The Daily Record the official newspapers for the Board, Peter Holmberg provided the second.  The motion was approved by a 6 to 0 roll call vote.

Determination of Meeting Dates -   Barry Lewis made a motion to accept the determined meeting dates for the Planning Board, John Zamierowski provided the second. A voice vote approved the following dates.

                        February 24, 2011                              August 25, 2011

                        March 24, 2011                                   September 22, 2011

                        April 28, 2011                                     October 27, 2011

                        May 26, 2011                                      November 17, 2011

                        June 23, 2011                                      December 15, 2011

                        July 28, 2011                                       January 26, 2012

Re-adoption of By-Laws – Barry Lewis made a motion to readopt the By-Laws of the Planning Board and Peter Holmberg provided the second. A voice vote approved the by-laws. In the future the by-laws will only be voted on at the January meeting if the Board makes changes to them.


REVIEW OF MINUTES:  Barry Lewis made a motion to adopt the minutes of the December 16th meeting with corrections. Jim Bailey provided the second; the minutes were approved by voice vote of all eligible voters.



Michael Kraft                                       App. # 10-243

Barry Lewis made a motion to adopt the resolution of approval; John Zamierowski provided the second.  The resolution was carried by a vote of 4 to 0 with members Batty, Lewis, Bailey and Zamierowski voting in favor.





Master Plan

Peter Holmberg asked if the Board would be printing a new edition of the Master Plan booklet when they were finished. Sandy Batty thought the Board would do so. Peter Henry told the Board when they finished revising the Master Plan they should readopt the new version in its entirety so it would count as a reexamination.  By doing the Board would start the 6 year clock over again.

Chapter 7 – Community Facilities and Utilities

The Board went through the chapter and made minor corrections in preparation for a public hearing. Sandy Batty and Peter Holmberg thanked Jim for all his work on the Master Plan.

It was them decided that the Planning Board would have a public hearing on February 24th if we have an application. If we did not we would wait until the March 24th meeting.

Other Chapters

Jim Bailey then updated the Board on the status of the remaining chapters. Chapter 1, Community Characteristics, required the census data. Barry Lewis explained the information was now available on line. Chapter 3, Land Use Plan, needed to go to the Planner for review. Peter Henry suggested the Board go through the element before giving to the Planner. Jim Bailey said the committee had a draft they had been working on and thought they could have something ready for March 24th. Chapter 4, Housing Element and Fair Share Plan, is still on hold due to decisions that need to be made at the state level. Chapter 11, Relationship to other Plans, is an element that needed to be handled by the Planner. Chapter 12, Summary of Major Findings and Recommendations, will be completed when everything else is done.


Other Business

The Board is still in need of two alternates.

Sandy Batty made a motion to adjourn the meeting. The Board adjourned at 8:30 PM.


Respectfully submitted,



                                                                                    Cynthia Shaw, Secretary