MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Location: file:///C:/06F9C637/STCJAN2007.htm Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Mountain Lakes Shade Tree Commission

           &nbs= p;            &= nbsp;           &nbs= p;   Mountain Lakes Shade Tree Commission   =

           &nbs= p;            &= nbsp;           &nbs= p;      Minutes of Meeting

           &nbs= p;            &= nbsp;           &nbs= p;       January 11, 2007



In Attendance:

Commissioners-- J. Best, S. Marshall, B. Rosenth= all, T. Caine

Council Liaison— Steve Shaw

Borough Manager---Gary Webb


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1. There were no comments from the public.


2.Bonnie agreed to co-chair STC with Heather 2007.

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3. December minutes were discussed and will be submitted at the February meeti= ng for approval.

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  = 4. STC membership list was distributed and membersŐ terms were discussed.

   Steve will make sure that Tom is formally appointed by Council.=


5. The Honorary Tree Protocol was included in the Council package for general information. It will not be formally adopted but Steve will remind Council = to review it.

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6. Prune and Remove quotes are in. The quote for regular street tree maintenan= ce is $17,730 and the estimate for other areas, such as parks, is more than $16,000, so together they total over 34,000.  Gary explained that the STC budget only addresses street trees and DPW has $4000 that can be used for parks. He has filed a grant application to prune and remove trees at Island beach. Gary is comfortable = if he can have an additional $4000 more to handle hazardous trees. =

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 7. Joan reported that the annual l= etter from the state had arrived. It offers congratulations and recognizes our approved status under the NJ Community Forestry Assistance Act. Our managem= ent plan was approved and 15 CEUŐs were earned in 2006. The annual accomplishme= nt report will be due soon but the required paperwork has not yet arrived from= the state.

    The list of continuing education courses for 2007 was discussed. Tom will attend CORE training in March. Joan and Bonnie would like to attend the Shade Tree Federation meeti= ng in October.

8. Bonnie and Heather will coordinate Arbor Day 2007. It is planned for April = 27 and a notice needs to be submitted to the Home and School Bulletin by March= 10.

A special, delightful, guest has been invited. Bonnie has a source for small = but free seedlings for distribution to the children. Joan will be this yearŐs Honoree and Ann will be the speaker.


9. Heather has completed the paperwork for Tree City USA.


10. Joan and Sue will complete the Forestry Plan Accomplishment Report.


11. Bonnie will make sure that STC meetings are posted on the H&SA Bulletin= .


12. Steve is looking forward to being the 2007 STC liaison to Council.

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           The next meeting will be held on Thursday February 8, 2007.

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