Mountain Lakes Shade Tree Commission

Minutes of Meeting

January 8, 2009


In Attendance:

Commissioners: H. Carr, J. Best, S. Marshall, T. Caine, B. Rosenthall, M. Vyff, and L. Conner

Council Liaison: D. McWilliams


1.   Minutes from the December meeting were approved as written.


2.   There were no comments from the public.


3.   Membership Update: Susan Landau has resigned as secretary. Laura Conner will take minutes this year and Heather will act as back up.


4.   FAQs: Completed and available for review. First three will be submitted to the H&S Bulletin by Bonnie for February article. Complete FAQ list will be put on web site.


5.   Arbor Day: Marnie will take over for Bonnie this year. She will be assisted by Laura. This yearÕs Arbor Day honoree will be Susan Landau. Arbor Day will be celebrated May 1st.


6.   Review of Committee Assignments:

Arbor Day: Marnie and Laura

Web Site: Tom and Marnie (Marnie will submit minutes when passed)

Tree City and Memorial/Honorary trees: Heather

Invasives Committee-Gap filler, floater: Sue

Prune and Remove List: Joan


7.   Old Business:

a.   Website: Bartlett information will be added in February.

b.   Prune and Remove list: Will be filed at Borough Hall. Not all lists have been submitted. Changes can be made in 2009. Bids for P/R are due by Jan. 16.

c.    Realtor welcome letter: Should be printed on ML letterhead once new logo is approved.

d.   CSIP Grant: Joe and Michele submitted grant request. Tom will work on learning how to do grant request for the future.

e.   Tree City USA: Application is almost complete.

f.     Community Forestry Annual Accomplishment Report: Due Feb. 15. Sue will follow up.

g.   Mountain Lakes Day: STC should be represented. Tom will work on a presentation with STC photos. Everyone will look for free handouts and items. Bonnie will contact HPC regarding an old logo for a possible banner.

h.   Centennial Celebration: Ō100 Trees for 100 YearsÕ campaign suggested to raise money for future planting. Donors could be noted on bricks at Esplanade or on website.

8.   New Business:

a.   Budget: CEU money needs to be protected if budget is cut. Current budget would allow for $2,500 for future planting. Tony Cerbo will be contacted in the spring to discuss trees and installation costs.

b.   Joan is working on a filing system for STC at DPW.

c.    Marnie can no longer be liaison for Environmental Commission.

d.   Heather shared that Mr. Yee at 33 East Shore will take care of dead tree.

e.   Member List: Need to know how long Sue has been on STC.

f.     Weichert: Heather and Marnie will meet with real estate office re: welcome letter.

g.   Sue shared an article on declining numbers of Gypsy Moths. Go to www.state.nj/agriculture for article.

h.   Council voted to reappoint Marnie and Laura as commissioners because their terms had expired.


Next meeting will be held Thursday, February 12, 2009