Mountain Lakes Shade Tree Commission

Minutes of Meeting  

May 13, 2010


Commissioners in attendance: S. Marshall, J. Best, M. Vyff, T. Caine, C. Murtagh, J. Eveleth and H. Carr

Council Liaison E. Emr


1.     There were no comments from the public.


2.     April minutes were approved.


3.     Arbor Day went well.  The weather was glorious and it was enjoyable to hold the celebration out of doors.  We discussed ways in which the event could go more smoothly and be improved.  We will remember to list Arbor Day on the town board and to fly the Tree City flag on the Wildwood flagpole next year.  Parents will be requested to sit behind the students on the lawn.  Copies of all paperwork regarding Arbor Day will be filed for documentation in renewing our Tree City status.


4.     Joan distributed copies of the P&R list.  Commissioners need to look over their areas in the next week to make sure work is getting done properly, checking for pruning and stumps indicating removals.  Contractors should have the work completed soon.


5.     Last year the Esplanade was rejuvenated in anticipation of the Centennial celebration.  Shade Tree is designated caretaker of this park.  Two Kousa Dogwoods were planted last year and paid for by STC funds.  Sue and Pat have volunteered to oversee the area and are requesting $250 from STC money for this year to complete the perennial plantings.  A vote was taken and the request was granted unanimously.  A discussion ensued on the upcoming Shade Tree Commission Centennial campaign, Ò100 Trees for 100 Years.Ó


6.     The new trees, planted last year with CSIP grant money, are leafing out nicely this spring.  The grant requires a 90% success rate and so far only one tree appears to be dead.  We will keep a close eye on these trees in the coming months.


7.     Sustainable Jersey is a certification program for municipalities in NJ that want to go green, save money, and take steps to sustain their quality of life over the long term.  Walmart and Sustainable Jersey will award small grants to local governments who have met certain criteria.  Mountain Lakes is interested in participating in Sustainable Jersey to obtain grant money for projects to benefit the Borough.  The Shade Tree Commission through yearly planting programs, tree maintenance and the Community Forestry Management Plan has satisfied some of the requirements our town needs to apply for these grants.


8.     The Centennial Committee has asked our thoughts on an Òoldest tree in the Borough contest.Ó  Since it is difficult to determine the age of a tree without cutting it down we will suggest a Òlargest tree contest.Ó  Trees will need to be measured at 4Õ from the ground and all the way around the trunk.


9.     Since June is the last meeting before our summer break, we will need to discuss the Business Stimulus Grant and how to proceed.  A contractor must be chosen and areas, where invasive material is to be removed, need to be determined.


    10.  Other

           a. It has been brought to the attention of the STC that a Boy Scout has been       granted permission by Borough Hall to do his Eagle Scout project on two wooded lots in the Borough.  He will be pulling invasive plant material and replanting with native species.  Woodlands Committee and the Borough Manager will oversee the project.

            b. Lynn Uhrig has spoken with Marnie about her interest in eradicating all Norway Maple trees from the Borough.  It is the opinion of the STC that this goal is not in the best interests of the community but that no future Norway Maples will be planted in the ROW or Borough owned lots by the STC.  We will continue to educate homeowners on the benefits of planting native species on private property.  Preventing the planting of new invasive plants will be a focus for the STC.

       c. Lucy Luc, a homeowner, called Heather about receiving a letter from the STC advising her that there was a hazardous tree on her property.  She believed that the Borough would attend to the tree.  Joan called and explained to Ms Luc that the tree, although fairly close to the street, was not in the ROW.  It would be her responsibility to have a professional look at the tree and take care of it accordingly.

            d. Consuelo attended Core training and found it to be informative and enjoyable.  A new DVD on the training information has been made available and distributed to participants.  Tom will reproduce the DVD and provide copies to all STC members.



                             Next meeting will be held on June 10th