Mountain Lakes Shade Tree Commission

Minutes of Meeting  

                                              June 9, 2011


Commissioners in attendance: S. Marshall, J. Best, M. Vyff, T. Caine, C. Murtagh, L. Conner, J. Eveleth and H. Carr

Commission Liaison: G. Jackson


1.     There were no comments from the public.


2.     Laura reports that the Barberry at the Cove has been removed but the roots still need to be dug out.  A geo-textile fabric will be placed along the shoreline to protect against erosion.   No trees will be removed.  Work on the curbing and hardscape are scheduled to begin. The whole project could be completed in as little as one week.  A small plaque has been ordered inscribed with the words, Cove Park Centennial Legacy 2011.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               


3.     May minutes were approved.                                        


4.     Prune and remove lists were distributed by Joan.  Remember to walk your areas with a partner and input information to the computer at DPW, as soon as possible after walking. 


5.     The honorary tree protocol has been updated on the website and recent monthly minutes have been posted.  Tom is working on featuring Ò100 TreesÓ more prominently on the webpage.  Joan is almost finished revising the Street Tree Management Plan to be put on-line.


6.     A tree honoring the memory of Henry Popp was planted at Memorial Park and announced during the Memorial Day festivities.


7.     Finding new commission members for Shade Tree is a high priority.  If you know of anyone interested, ask them to walk with you during P&R this summer.  It would be an opportunity to introduce prospective members to the process.


8.     A list of trees compiled by The Woodlands Committee has been sent to Shade Tree, as recommended trees for planting in Mountain Lakes.  After preliminary research some discrepancies exist.   Shade Tree will review the list in detail and respond with our suggestions.


9.     Mountain Lakes has received certification that it is a Tree City USA for 14 years.


10.  DPW has worked hard to complete the work at the Esplanade.  Finishing touches made it look great for Memorial Day.  All agree it was a job well done.




                    Next meeting will be held on September 8th