Mountain Lakes Shade Tree Commission

Minutes of Meeting  

November 10, 2011



Commissioners in attendance: S. Marshall, J. Best, C. Murtagh, and H. Carr


1.         There were no comments from the Public.


2.         October Minutes were reviewed and approved pending minor editing changes.


3.         All stakes have been removed from the trees planted from the State Grant Funds.


4.         The October 29th snowstorm has resulted in more downed trees and branches. It will not be possible to re-survey the entire town tree canopy. Damage from this storm    will be updated during the 2012 Tree Survey. During the next P&R survey, focus on tree structure stability and aesthetics will be emphasized.


5.         Community Forestry Plan Update: The CFP subcommittee will be meeting on 12/1 to review the draft of the Plan submitted. Any gaps in information, which need to be addressed, will be assigned during this meeting. The Plan will shift in focus from new tree plantings to managing existing canopy with special emphasis on community education. This shift will also include the management of woodland trees by the woodland committee.


6.         Wording for the Centennial Planting Certificates was finalized to the following:


Planting for another green century in celebration of the 2011 Centennial Year,          the blank family has planted blank trees at fill in address in the Borough of Mountain Lakes.


7.         Membership: The STC will need a replacement co chair for 2012 as Sue Marshall and Joan Best terms end. In order to ensure continuity, it was recommended that       Consuelo Murtagh co-chair with Joan Best for the next year.


8.         Shade Tree Monthly Schedule. Add Sue and Joan to project. A STC schedule will be created to help new members know what tasks need to be addressed each month and how to complete these tasks. The goal of the guide would be to ensure continuity during volunteer personnel transitions.


9.         Other: Discussed with Bob Tovo, interim Borough Manager, the Five Year Community Forest Plan goal of creating a more integrated tree management plan for all trees in ML and anticipated need of involving the town Council in this effort.


Next Meeting: December 8, 2011