Mountain Lakes Shade Tree Commission
February 20, 2014
8:30 am, Borough Hall
Members present: Consuelo Murtagh, Marnie Vyff, Tom Caine, Janet Horst, Jay Eveleth

No comments from the public.

Previous month's minutes to be held pending corrections.

Arbor Day is scheduled for April 25, 2014. Marnie is in the process of planning. Beth Azar is working with students for the performance part of the project. Discussed potential honorees.

Tree City USA – all documents will be filed in Joan's office.

Future planning – to be discussed at another meeting.

Grant updates – Janet is working on a $10,000 grant to change the Shade Tree database program. Training will be provided by the State. There was discussion on ways to update the Mountain Lakes tree database. It hasn't been done for twelve or more years.

Consuelo is looking into a $2,000 grant for the Five Year Plan.

Meeting Adjourned at 9:30 am

Next meeting is March 13, 2014.

Respectfully submitted: Tom Caine