Borough of Mountain Lakes

Traffic and Safety Committee Meeting

April 17, 2007 Minutes


Present:  Jim Bailey (chair), Lauren Brickner-McDonald, Joe Kuchinski, Sarina Grodofsky, Louise Davis, Bill Munday


1)  Meeting called to order at 6pm


2)  Minutes from March 20, 2007 meeting were approved.


3)      The role of secretary to the committee was discussed by those present and it was decided to rotate the recording of minutes by each committee member.  Phillip Rosenthall will record for the April meeting.


4)      Jim Bailey led discussion on recommendations for a new member from the Lake Arrowhead section of town.  Sarina Grodofsky will check with residents of the area on their interest.


5)      Discussion of posting committee information and materials to the Mountain Lakes website was tabled until the April meeting


6)      The Manager’s Report was also tabled until April.  Louise Davis then reported some of the Annual Budget highlights, including the maintaining of the Police and DPW at present levels.


7)      Discussion of possible grants for sidewalks on Powerville Road was tabled pending Mr. Webb’s report in April.  Ms. Davis indicated that no new funds were in the budget for new sidewalk installation.  However, the resurfacing of some sidewalks had been budgeted for.  The committee discussed making a recommendation to begin the process of saving funds for the sidewalk installation, but no formal motion was made.


8)      The installation of a “demo” island at the intersection of Pocono and Crane Roads was tabled pending Mr. Webb’s report.  However, Lauren Brickner-McDonald bought to the committee’s attention that Ms. Decker had stated that fuel trucks were servicing fire trucks in the intersection.


9)      Jim Bailey reported to the committee that several “No Parking” signs had been removed near the high school.  That the majority of the signs were at intersections and the only mid-block sign was on town property.


10)  The Committee discussed the following issues regarding traffic around the high school:


a.      Difficulties with the present traffic flow through the high school parking lot were introduced by Sarina Grodofsky, who also raised the question of reversing the present flow through the parking lot.

b.      Policies, procedures and enforcement regarding parking at the high school were discussed by Bill Munday and the rest of the committee

c.      Discussion of methods to decrease the number of cars entering the high school area was initiated by J. Kuchinski, including the sidewalk on Powerville Road being a key to encouraging students to walk to the high school and the possibility of “drop zones” near the school and car pooling.  Jim Bailey raised question of a 2nd school bus for the Boonton Township students, which Bill Munday will investigate.


11)   Under new business, Lauren Brickner-McDonald reminded the committee to check their area of town for hanging tree limbs and street lights which may be out, which might discourage students from walking to school.  Ms. Davis added to check for landscaping or other business trucks which might make it difficult to walk also.


12)  There were no public comments.


13)   Meeting adjourned at 6:25PM