Borough of Mountain Lakes

Traffic and Safety Committee Meeting

May 16, 2007 Minutes


Present:  Lauren Brickner- McDonald, Jim Bailey, Bill Munday, John Kazmark, Gary Webb

Louise Davis, Don Borgo, Phillip Rosenthall


1) Meeting called to order at 5.10pm


2) Minutes from April 17, 2007 meeting were approved.


3) High School sign – Safety Concern?

Dr. Kazmark reported that there are no active plans to place any type of sign in front of the Mountain Lakes High School on Powerville Road. He went on to say that other sign placement alternatives are being considered that will not raise traffic safety concerns.


While not explicitly stated at the Traffic & Safety Committee meeting, it is the Committee’s understanding that any change in Dr. Kazmark’s or The Board of Education’s position on this matter, will be reviewed with the Traffic & Safety Committee AND Chief Tovo before a final decision is taken.


4) High School Turf Field Installation

Approximately 2,500 cubic yards of soil will be removed between June 25 and July 6. The soil will be trucked out to RT 46 via Glen Road and The Boulevard. It’s estimated that 16 to 17 truck loads a day will occur during this period.


5) Committee member from Lake Arrowhead – deferred to June 19th meeting when Sarina Grodofsky is present.


6) Web Sites update – Phillip Rosenthall agreed to post the March and April notes and update The Traffic and

            Safety meeting schedule.


7) Manager’s Report – Gary Webb


A. Chiefs’ Report – Chief Tovo given by Gary Webb

            Automobile Accidents:

            - Between Jan and April 2007 34 traffic accidents were reported. During the same period last year

            64 accidents occurred. In 2006 a total of 135 accidents were reported. The Committee asked if any

            trend or location analysis was completed on this data to determine reoccurring trouble spots in

Mountain Lakes? Gary Webb was not aware of this type of analysis and suggested that we ask Chief Tovo about it during the June session.


B. Powerville Road Sidewalk Grant status.

- Two Grants have been applied for by the Borough for the funding of a sideway along Powerville Road:

1)NJ Safe Way to School Grant and 2) NJ School Pedestrian Safe Way Grant. The Borough was

notified that our first grant request was declined. The Borough still waiting to hear the outcome of the

NJ School Pedestrian Safe Way Grant.


This disappointing news prompted dialogue by the Committee. Given the lack of success in securing NJ State funding, the Committee discussed making a recommendation to the Mountain Lakes Borough Council for the installation of the sidewalk. The total project is expected to cost approximately $90,000. Since this is a significant budget item for the Borough, Jim Bailey suggested a phased installation over multiple years. Gary Webb said that a phased project would be more expensive than $90,000. Since the full Traffic and Safety Committee was not present, it was decided to wait until the June 19th meeting to decide how and when to make the recommendation to the Council.



8) No Parking Signs along Powerville Road

No Parking Signs will be installed next to High school. The signs are on order and are expected to be installed around June 18.  Chief Tovo and DPW selecting locations


9) Speed control on Morris Avenue

To calm traffic on Morris Avenue DPW will place two temporary signs during May.


10) Pocono Road / Crane Road – Gary Webb

DPW placed a 25 mile an hour sign on the corner of Pocono and Crane. Chief Tovo is considering placing a removable, rubber island in the intersection to slow traffic down further.  Funding for the island may be available from remaining funds from the Beechway Road paving project. Chief Tovo to provide update at the June meeting


11) Phillip Rosenthall asked that the Stop sign be lowered at the intersection of Melrose Road and Beechway. Gary Webb took this action.


12) Lauren Brickner- McDonald provided the Jersey Central Power & Light contact number to report street lights that are not functioning. Residents should call: JCP&L at (888) 544 4877.


13) Summer schedule

Next meeting: June 19 at 5pm. At that session we will determine if July and August meetings are necessary.


Meeting adjourned at 6.17pm