Woodlands Management Committee Meeting Minutes

May 18, 2011


Attendees: Cliff Miles, Bob Dewing, Jerry Uhrig

Guest: Harrison Charwat


  1. Harrison Chawat Eagle Scout project (Harrison had been invited to attend for this part.) Since neither Cliff, Bob, or Jerry could be there for the entire time, we divided it up to provide full coverage of the work period.
  2. Beaver status. Jerry plans to pursue options.
  3. Prune Bob's tree list down to 25 or so. Getting close. Bob will work on it some more and then send to Shade Tree for comments.
  4. Erection of new deer exclosure. It will be staked out by Jerry and then coordinated with whomever is available and able to help with the actual erection.
  5. Begin planning for American Chestnut planting this fall
  6. Brownie program report. Jerry had a great time. What a wonderful group of enthusiastic and inquisitive kids. We plan to tour the ECO-Hike in September or October.