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In July, 2002, we were contacted by Larry Browning who lives in Ft.  Lauderdale, Fl.  He related:

My Grandparents, O.  F.  Browning & family moved from Perth Amboy during World War I to #178 Boulevard (always known by us as "D HOUSE").  My family, D.B.  Browning, moved from Boonton to 115 Boulevard, the NE corner of Boulevard & N Glen Rd.  My uncle was Adm.  Miles Browning [Note: Admiral Browning was one of Mountain Lakes two Medal of Honor winners in World War II].  His sister Cathreine lives nearby us in frail health, but razor-sharp mind.  My maternal grandfather, Monroe Howell, had Mr.  Hapgood as a guest in his Boonton Park home while he developied Mountain Lakes.  Howell Rd is named for him.

There are several views of this house. Continue to scroll down until you have seen them all.

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Information concerning reprints is available through the Historic Preservation Committee.
