Board of Directors
Member Handbook
League Positions
Study Items
Local League Publications
Voting Information
Elected Officials
Links to Related Sites
Green Community Project


Member Handbook


Thank you for being a part of the Mountain Lakes League of Women Voters.  We value each and every member and hope you will join us whenever you can.  Our web site is full of interesting League information about local, state and national issues, as well as pertinent LWV Board contact information.  If you ever have any questions feel free to contact me, Eileen Wilson, email.

Please join us in our effort to provide our programs & community services.  The League programs are dependent on volunteer members and we welcome your addition.  For example: serving as an Observer at a Board of Education or Borough Council meeting for our Observer Corp and submitting write ups in League Lines helps keep everyone informed of these very important community meetings.

There are many other opportunities to participate in the League: volunteering for voter services, hosting a meeting, making a donation to the League, as well participating in our annual studies/projects and joining us at our socials with interesting speakers.  There are truly opportunities for everyone in the League to get involved - whether at the local, state or national level!

Again, welcome to the League and we look forward to seeing you very soon!


Eileen Wilson
VP Membership