November 3, 2011


Chair Peter Bolo called the meeting to order and announced: Adequate notice of this meeting has been provided in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act by adoption of the annual notice on January 6, 2011.  Said resolution was mailed to The Citizen and The Morris County Daily Record and by filing the same with the Borough Clerk on January 10, 2011 and was made available to all those requesting individual notice and paying the required fee.



Present: Bolo, Max, Cohen, Abate, Richter, Rusak, Willke and Gallo

Absent: Dietz

Also Present:  Attorney Michael Sullivan


REVIEW OF MINUTES:  Pat Rusak made a motion to approve the minutes from the October 6th meeting. Mark Cohen provided the second; the minutes were approved by voice vote by all members.



SAINT CATHERINES CHURCH                   Appl. # 11-600


Mark Cohen made a motion to adopt the resolution of approval; Pat Rusak seconded the motion.  The resolution was passed by a vote of 4 to 0 with members Richter, Cohen, Max, and Rusak voting in favor.


MAHESH & DEEPTI HARPALE                    Appl. #11-601


Pia Abate made a motion to adopt the resolution of approval; Pat Rusak seconded the motion.  The resolution was passed by a vote of 6 to 0 with members Bolo, Richter, Cohen, Max, Abate, and Gallo voting in favor.


PUBLIC HEARINGS: All Applicants and professionals were sworn in by Chair Peter Bolo.


New Application:

            ANDREW GITTLE & ELIZABETH BOROW 15 East Shore Road      

BLK. 23, Lot 20                                                Appl. #11-602

            Front & Side Setback, ILC                                 R-AA zone


Andrew Gittle & Elizabeth Borow, of 15 East Shore Road, and Kim Hurley, a licensed Architect in the state of NJ, of 15 Maple Way presented the application. Kim Hurley passed out Exhibit A-1 to the Board it contained renderings of the existing elevations, a site plan showing the relationship of the house to the neighbors, an area map and a copy of the survey.  Elizabeth Borow explained her house does not have a front door on the street side with the current entrance at the basement level. To enter the house you have to go up the stairs into the kitchen. When the applicant was before the Board last time they added a garage.  They originally asked for an entrance on the road side of this Hapgood. Today they were looking to move the front entrance of the house, add a screened in porch, and add a generator.  Kim Hurley said they were moving the 2 air conditioning units within the set back and use the old air conditioning pad for the generator. Kim Hurley presented photos of the house, Exhibit A-2 – 5, color photographs of the interior and exterior of the house.  She also presented colorized renderings, Exhibit A-6 and 7 of the proposed 1st floor plan and exterior elevations.  They would like to create a new entry similar to a lot of the existing Hapgoods and add a portico. 

Michael Sullivan asked for a clarification of the front yard setback measurement. Chris Richter added the front setback they were proposing did not agree with the resolution previously approved.  Kim Hurley said the last design would have someone entering the home at a much lower level on the property. The Board determined the following measurements; from the property line to the stoop is 25.15 feet, to the entrance stairs is 22 ft, and to the landscapes steps would be 3 ft. The landscape stairs get you to the street.  

Peter Bolo thought the proposal created a large front entrance way.  Andrew Gittle said it restored the look of a Hapgood and the property across the street was Borough owned. The driveway is steep and difficult for our guests. Dr. Bolo questioned the screened-in porch. Kim Hurley told the Board from the street you look up to the house, this location looks best and create the best roof lines. They were taking the existing roof line and pulling it across; by doing so they are creating an area for seating and a table. The new roof line is 20” taller and the actual porch dimensions are 23.25 ft. x 16.25 ft. Together the front porch and screened-in porch are just under the 500 sq ft allowed.

The applicant wanted to add a generator. To install it they either needed a variance for setback or an increase in ILC. Peter Bolo explained to the applicant the Board did not approve generators in the setbacks. Chris Richter recommended they put it on the other side of the house. Michael Sullivan suggested they could reduce the generator size or moved it within the setback. If they move it within the setback they would need to increase the ILC 20 sq ft. Tim Willke said he would prefer the setback variance to the increase lot coverage variance. An increased ILC of 28.30% rather than 28.17% would be needed to accommodate the generator elsewhere.

Chris Richter questioned the review chart, Appendix C, which Kim Hurley had created. Ms. Hurley said she was trying to work with the old resolution and found the calculations did not work out. Mr. Richter asked where she found the discrepancies. She said the variations were all over.  As an example she referenced the zoning map, the lot does not even conform to the R-A zone requirements. Mark Cohen asked if the applicant had calculated the noise output of the AC units and generator together to determine the decibel level, they had not.

Dr. Bolo asked if there were any questions or comments from the public, no one was present. He then asked if there were any board questions. Michael Sullivan confirmed with the applicant the generator would be reduced in size or move. Pat Rusak was concerned about the ILC, she would like them to reduce the walkway from the driveway because of there request to have a new front walkway. Pia Abate thought the screened porch was too large and took away from the front entrance. Kim Hurley responded she thought it created a balance, if they just did porch it would look even larger. Peter Bolo thought it worked.  Arthur Max asked for clarification, where did the walkway hit the street. It would hit it 5 ft to the left of the telephone pole. Chris Richter thought the new front porch made sense from a practical stand point. Peter Bolo asked if they could you remove the original terrace. Mr. Gittle explained for structural reasons they were afraid to do so.

Chris Richter made a motion to approve the application for the front yard setback for a screened-in porch and a covered entryway.  The variance will reference the extension of the steps beyond the stoop of the entry.  The generator would be reduced in size to conform or the ILC would be increased slightly to accommodate a generator in a different location within the setback. The location of the two air conditioner units did comply. Mark Cohen provided the second. The application was approved by a vote of 6 to 1 with Board members Bolo, Richter, Cohen, Max, Abate and Gallo voting in favor.  Pat Rusak voted against the application.


Other Matters / Public Comment:


The Board worked on the new Waiver List they would like to make part of the application.


Peter Bolo asked if there were any comments from the public, no one was present from the public.


Chris Richter made a motion to adjourn the meeting and   Mark Cohen provided the second. The meeting was adjourned at 9.05 pm.  



                                                                                                Respectfully submitted,



                                                                                    Cynthia Shaw, Secretary