November 22, 2010

7:30 p.m.




1.     CALL TO ORDER; OPENING STATEMENT: This meeting is being held in compliance

 with Public Law 1975, Chapter 231, Sections 4 and 13, as notice of this meeting and the agenda thereof had been reported to The Citizen and the Morris County Daily Record and The Star Ledger on January 5, 2010 and posted in the municipal building.


       Mayor Blair Bravo called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.



      All Council members were present. Deputy Mayor Gormally and Councilman Happer arrived at

      7:34 p.m.

      Also in attendance were Borough Attorney Marty Murphy, Borough Manager Barry Lewis, and

      Borough Clerk Christina Whitaker.



                 Resolution 131

                 WHEREAS, the Borough Council of the Borough of Mountain Lakes,

 County of Morris, State of New Jersey finds it necessary to discuss matters relating to:


·        Police Contract Negotiations


                        WHEREAS, the Borough Council believes it to be in the best interest of the

         public to discuss such matters in closed session.


                        NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Borough Council of the Borough         

        of Mountain Lakes, that it shall enter Executive Session to discuss only those matters 

        mentioned above; the results of which will be disclosed when the matters are resolved and

        upon vote of the Governing Body to release the minutes.


       Motion by Councilman McWilliams, second by Councilman Shaw, to enter into Executive Session    

       with all members in favor signifying by “Aye.”


Motion by Deputy Mayor Gormally, second by Councilman McWilliams, to close the Executive Session at 8:03 p.m. and return to the public portion of the meeting, with all members in favor signifying by “Aye.”



Mayor Bravo announced that last week the Morris County Chamber of Commerce honored several women during its annual Female Legends of Morris County event. Laura McKirdy was honored for founding the Lake Drive School for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children.


Councilman Shaw said the Mountain Lakes football team is continuing its winning streak and have made the sectional finals. 


The Town Club's "Homes for the Holiday" House Tour, will be held on Friday, December 3, from 5-9 p.m.


The annual Menorah lighting will be held at 5 p.m. on December 5 at Kaufmann Park.


The annual Christmas tree lighting will be held at Kaufmann Park on December 5 at 6:30 p.m.



Mayor Bravo opened the public comment portion of the meeting with consent of the Council.


Mayor Bravo explained the Council’s policy of limiting each speaker to five (5) minutes and no yielding of time to another person.


Thomas Donadio- Mayor of Boonton Township

Mayor Donadio said that after reading a recent article in the Citizen regarding the Mountain Lakes Council’s position on pursuing shared services with neighboring communities, he wanted to attend tonight’s meeting in order to  reiterate Boonton Township’s position on the subject.

He said that the Boonton Township Committee was not opposed to shared services and was willing to investigate areas that could be shared such as the DPW and school services. However he said the Township Committee was not looking to do a full scale merger of the police departments.


With no one else wishing to be heard, Mayor Bravo closed public comment portion of the meeting.


Mayor Bravo thanked Mayor Donadio for sharing with the Council and explained that the Mountain Lakes Council had created a Shared Service Committee to study possible areas where shared services would be beneficial to the Borough and other communities.


Councilman McWilliams said he agreed with Mayor Donadio that the schools are an area where shared services should be possible.


Councilman Jackson said any area where shared services will benefit both communities should be investigated. However, he said that the most expensive costs to municipalities are the police departments and he would still like to see more talk between the communities regarding shared police services.


Deputy Mayor Gormally said he believed the Borough had already reached out to Boonton Township but was pleased to hear the Township would still be interested is discussing ways to save taxpayers money.


Councilman Shaw said the article Mayor Donadio referred to was only a small part of the Shared Services Report and that there were many more areas of shared services mentioned.


Borough Manager Barry Lewis will provide Mayor Donadio with a copy of the interim report discussed at the last meeting.


Councilwoman Emr said that having a permanent Shared Service Committee in place will be helpful in moving forward. However, she recommended any future discussions be done in Executive Session.


Councilman Jackson assured Mayor Donadio that the Borough was open to any kind of arrangement that might benefit the communities.


Mayor Bravo said other communities have been successful in sharing some services.  She suggested they  might be useful to the Borough as models for review.



      R 123 – Lien Redemption/ Robert Rothman

      R 124 – Lien Redemption/ Michael Palazzi

      R 125 – Overpayment of Taxes/ William J & Sandra T Robinson

      R 126 – Overpayment of Taxes/ Megan Ferrante

      R 127 – Overpayment of Taxes/ Robert & Lesley Karczewski

      R 128 – Overpayment of Taxes/ Joseph & Gretchen Riccardi

      R 129 – Award of Contract - pull by Councilman Jackson for separate vote

      R 130 – Payment of Bills


       7. *MINUTES November 8, 2010   

Council Member






































































Council Member





































































       8. ATTORNEY’S REPORT - None



       Update on Cove Project

       Mr. Lewis updated the Council on the Cove project meeting. He is waiting on a proposal from

       Greentree, a local landscape designer.


       Mr. Lewis explained that an e-mail will be sent to Morris Avenue residents informing them of a

       November  29 meeting where any interested person can offer input on the project.


       Mr. Lewis explained to the Council that he was still waiting for a response from the appraiser for

       King of Kings. He noted he is already looking for potential funding partners.


       Mr. Lewis reported that the 2010 budget looks fine. He will be meeting with department heads in

       the next  week to discuss the 2011 budget. 


       The Council discussed the bench installed on Island Beach with the former manager’s approval.           

       The bench does not conform to the Borough’s policy on memorials.



Councilman McWilliams said the HPC is making good progress. The Committee is still working on a demolition ordinance.


The Health Commission has not met in months due to the lack of a quorum. A meeting is scheduled for tomorrow night.


Councilwoman Emr said the Shade Tree Commission is working on an inventory list.


The Traffic and Safety Committee is working on programs for crossing streets with the use of flags.


Joan Best is putting together the “Residents Guide” based on the information she has received from the subcommittee.


Personnel Committee

Councilman Jackson explained that the Committee is looking at benefits and health polices for employees.

He said the majority of Committee members supported the employees paying 1.5 % of their salary or 10% of the cost of the health premium, whichever is greater.  All the State plans would continue to be offered but anything over the cost of Blue Cross Direct 15 would be the responsibility of the employee. Councilman Jackson said the Borough would save $23,000 a year in premium payments by following the Personnel Committee’s recommendation on Direct 15.


Councilwoman Emr expressed her concern for the nine employees who will have to pay a considerable amount to keep their present insurance plan. She suggested the additional cost be phased in.

She told the Council it was not her understanding that a consensus of the Personnel Committee had been reached and she had not expected a vote to be taken at tonight’s meeting.


Councilman Jackson said it was time the Borough moved closer to what the private sector offers its employees and he wanted the matter to be decided at this meeting.


Deputy Mayor Gormally said the plans being offered by the State are still better than those offered in many private sector jobs and observed that his own plan cost 50% more with inferior coverage.


Councilman Jackson made a motion to offer all State Health benefit plans employees as of January 1, 2011 at a cost of 1.5% of their salary or 10% of the cost of premium, whichever is higher, and if the employee chooses a plan other than Direct 15 the employee pays the difference between the Direct 15 and the other plan, second by Deputy Mayor Gormally.


Motion by Councilwoman Emr to amend the motion separating the issue of the percentage the employee would pay yearly for premiums, from the cost difference of a plan other than Direct 15, second by Councilman McWilliams, with Councilwoman Emr, Councilman McWilliams and Shaw voting “Yes” and Councilman Jackson and Happer, Deputy Mayor Gormally and Mayor Bravo voting “No.”


Councilman McWilliams also expressed concern for the employees that might be seriously impacted.


Councilman Shaw said he would vote on the measure, but wanted the record to reflect that in the future if a vote is expected by Council then material should be included in the meeting packets rather than being expected to make a decision without having the information before hand.


Mr. Lewis told the Council he was not expecting a vote on the benefit issue at this meeting and had already begun to put together spread sheets for the Council to review. He added that he felt that a 10% cost to some employees would result in actually cutting their salary, particularly for the lower salaried employees.

He felt there were options that should be considered to mitigate the impact on these employees.


However, Councilman Jackson said he wanted the issue to be decided immediately and that a motion had been made.


Councilman Jackson’s motion was amended by Deputy Mayor Gormally to state that the effective date of January 1, 2011 was subject to the State being able to do so by that date, Councilman McWilliams, Jackson, Happer, Shaw, Deputy Mayor Gormally and Mayor Bravo voting “Yes” and Councilwoman Emr voting “No.”


Council Happer said the Finance Committee had a discussion on the year end budget projections.  The Committee also discussed the utilities infrastructure.


The Web Site Committee had not met but Councilman Happer said the infrastructure of the web site needed to be reviewed.


      Councilman Shaw said that 55 Plus was proposing changes in its charter.


      Mayor Bravo said the Planning Board voted on three elements to the Master Plan.


      2011 Council Goal Priorities

Mayor Bravo asked the Council to review the 2010 goals and priorities and 2011 goals for discussion at the next meeting.                   



     Motion by Deputy Mayor Gormally, second by Councilman Shaw to adjourn the meeting at 9:54

     p.m., with all members in favor signifying by “Aye.”





*Consent Agenda




 Attest:______________________                       ________________________                                                                 Christina Whitaker, Clerk                                                      Blair Bravo, Mayor