7:30 P.M.




1.     CALL TO ORDER; OPENING STATEMENT: This meeting is being held in compliance

 with Public Law 1975, Chapter 231, Sections 4 and 13, as notice of this meeting and the agenda thereof had been reported to The Citizen and the Morris County Daily Record and The Star Ledger on January 4, 2011 and posted in the municipal building.

Mayor Charles Gormally called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.


All Council members were present with the exception of Councilwoman Bravo, Councilman McWilliams, and Councilman Shaw. Also in attendance were Borough Manager Barry Lewis, Borough Attorney Marty Murphy and Executive Assistant Michele Reilly.


3.   EXECUTIVE SESSION                                                                                             

Resolution 56-11

                 WHEREAS, the Borough Council of the Borough of Mountain Lakes,

County of Morris, State of New Jersey finds it necessary to discuss matters relating to:


·        Contract Negotiations/Personnel

·        Contract Negotiations/Block 66 Lot 15


                        WHEREAS, the Borough Council believes it to be in the best interest of the

       public to discuss such matters in closed session.


                        NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Borough Council of the Borough         

       of Mountain Lakes, that it shall enter Executive Session to discuss only those matters 

       mentioned above; the results of which will be disclosed when the matters are resolved and

       upon vote of the Governing Body to release the minutes.


       Motion by Councilman Jackson, second by Deputy Mayor Happer to enter into

       Executive Session, with all members in favor signifying by “Aye.”


Motion by Councilman Holmberg, second by Deputy Mayor Happer, to close Executive Session and return to the public portion of the meeting at 8:04 p.m., with all members in favor signifying by “Aye.”



Councilman Holmberg may attend the Morris County Municipal Summit.



Mayor Gormally opened the public comment portion of the meeting with consent of the Council. Mayor Gormally explained the Council’s policy of limiting each speaker to five (5) minutes and no yielding of time to another person.


Joan Best – 76 Intervale Road

Mrs. Best read a prepared statement (see attached) in reference to her concerns regarding the Centennial Cove Project. She feels the actual cost of the project will be more than the $50,000 allocated, due to the fact that annual maintenance will be needed on the garden area. She also feels that spending money on professional maintenance sends a negative message to those Borough residents who currently volunteer to maintain the Borough’s resources.


With no one else wishing to be heard, Mayor Gormally closed the public comment portion of the meeting.


6. PRESENTATION DISCUSSION – Margaret Gossett - Cove Project

Mrs. Gossett reminded the Council that copies of the final planting plan had been included in their Council packets for review.  The Committee was hoping to receive approval for the plan from the Council at tonight’s meeting. Mrs. Gossett said that approval would allow them to move forward with the project and produce bid specifications, and that construction could then begin in May.


Mrs. Gossett told the Council that a public meeting had been held with about twenty-five residents in attendance. The Committee subsequently held a meeting with the landscape architect, J.S.L. Greentree, to incorporate some of the suggestions offered at the public meeting into the final plan.


Mrs. Gossett detailed the highlights of the plan, which included five (5) access points to the water, three (3) of which are viewing areas. Responding to questions about the plan from the Council, Mrs. Gossett said the Committee would have a better idea of plant costs after bids have been received from vendors. They expect the biggest expense will be the hardscape, which is being designed by Borough Engineer Bill Ryden. Parking can not be increased from the fifteen (15) proposed parallel parking spaces without changing the traffic flow. The Committee is asking the Council to fund three (3) years of maintenance, which would be required in the short term to establish the garden and protect the root system from the geese. The garden will be a native garden, which means it should not require excessive maintenance or watering.


Additionally, the plan incorporates a graveled center area for residents to be able to walk around as well as benches for sitting. The plants will be of varied heights, as will the berm, so there will be a flow to the landscape without impeding visibility of the water. Local boulders will be used. The pillars will be approximately four (4) feet high and consistent with the character of other stone pillars in the Borough.


Mayor Gormally asked for any additional public comment. Joan Best asked if the long term cost of the project had been established. Mrs. Gossett reiterated the need for three (3) years of maintenance costs in order to establish the garden. Susan Marshall, 220 Morris Avenue, commented that hiring a professional gardener would set a precedent and she hoped that if the Borough chose to do so, a member of the community would be considered for the paid position.


Mayor Gormally announced that the consensus of the Council was to move forward with the Centennial Cove Project and to get estimates of the costs associated with the project.



A. Bulletin Board

Mayor Gormally outlined his summary regarding the Community Bulletin Board. The structure needs improvement and volunteerism has diminished. The Council discussed the function of the Bulletin Board as a communication vehicle and the wisdom of investing money in its repair. The consensus of the Council was that Mr. Lewis will be investigating the cost of an electronic bulletin board, and Mayor Gormally would be asking resident Chris Sullivan to investigate “lower tech” options.


B. 2011 Council Goals

Mayor Gormally mentioned that Councilman Holmberg’s reformatting of the goals was very helpful, and that the Council should use that format as a model for 2012.



      R 51 - Appointment of Court Personnel

      R 52 - Overpayment of Taxes/Livingston

      R 53 - Overpayment of Taxes/Smith

      R 54 - Waive Sewer/Water Hookup (Weber Homes Affordable Housing)

      R 55 - Payment of Bills



 February 14, 2011


Prior to the roll call vote, Mayor Gormally asked that Resolution 54 – Waive Sewer/Water Hookup (Weber Homes Affordable Housing) be pulled from the Consent Agenda.


Councilman Jackson presented corrections to the minutes. Councilman Jackson also asked if the information regarding the Citizen of the Year and Janice Hunts awards had been sent to the newspapers. He also requested a Broadcast Email be sent to the community with this information.

*Consent Agenda Vote


Council Member




































































Regarding Resolution 54, Deputy Mayor Happer questioned the necessity of the Resolution. Borough Attorney Marty Murphy reminded the Council that they had requested this to formally document discussion which took place at the February 14th meeting.




Council Member





































































Councilman Jackson asked is there was any new information regarding Williams Stationery. Mr. Murphy replied there was nothing new to report to the Council.



Personnel Committee Update and Budget Guidance


Mayor Gormally asked Mr. Lewis to detail his progress in the budget process. Mr. Lewis replied that he had met with the DPW Director, Mr. Prusina, and with Fire Chief Joe Mullaney, and will be meeting with Police Chief Tovo next week. Mr. Lewis said that the sidewalks on Intervale Road would be included in the capital projects this year since the Borough was the recipient of a grant which substantially offsets the cost of the project. Mr. Lewis also said the capital projects would include upgrading water meters, since the current meters are declining with age and running slowly, which effectively cheats the Borough out of revenue. He is aware of the Council’s concerns regarding vendors and a comprehensive replacement plan and he will be prepared to address these concerns at the capital budget presentation.


Mayor Gormally directed Mr. Lewis to present the budget, including the capital budget on March 14th, with the budget introduction tentatively planned for March 28th. There was some discussion among the Council regarding the purpose of the capital budget presentation and whether it was appropriate to discuss policy as well as the budget amounts.  Mayor Gormally reminded the Council that their job is fiscal management and overseeing the Manager. Mr. Lewis said he would be preparing a comprehensive memo and would be reporting any meaningful or significant issues that the Council should be aware of, especially as to how they affect the budget. Mr. Lewis also suggested that Department Heads could be brought in throughout the year to update the Council on direction and philosophy without tying up the budget process.


Mr. Lewis updated the Council on the progress for the replacement of the roof at the Lake Drive School.  The Morris County Historic Preservation Grant requires the Board of Education to partner with the municipality in order to receive the grant money.  Mr. Lewis also updated the Council on the energy grants for the Borough facilities. He is in the process of coordinating scheduling with the designated contractor. Mayor Gormally asked if there would be any interruption in Borough activities and Mr. Lewis said only minor inconveniences are anticipated.


Responding to a question from Councilman Jackson regarding Well #3 and Well #5, Mr. Lewis said the bid is in and a contract has been awarded on Well #5. Borough Engineer Bill Ryden is working with the contractor. In addition, Mr. Ryden has sent the specifications for Well #3 to the contractor with the expectation that the vendor might be able to perform that repair work as well. Councilman Jackson inquired about the status of lake cleaning and Mr. Lewis said the Borough is at the top of the list but cleaning has been delayed due to weather conditions.


Deputy Mayor Happer requested a tax appeals analysis. Mr. Lewis will follow up with Tax Assessor Rick DelGuercio. Mr. Murphy reminded the Council that April 1st is the deadline for tax appeals in the County.


Mayor Gormally asked Mr. Lewis to look into the condition of the yard at the Department of Public Works. He also asked if Mr. Lewis had heard from the JIF regarding the ability to add coverage for the Public Library. Mr. Lewis replied that it is feasible to add the Library as they are a quasi public entity; however, he had not yet heard back from the JIF regarding cost. Mayor Gormally also asked Mr. Lewis to contact the Library to determine why they had felt it necessary to hire their own landscaper, since the DPW normally has this responsibility.




    Planning Board Appointments – 1st and 2nd Alternate

Councilman Holmberg described the background of Borough resident Nick DeVenezia as a candidate for the Planning Board.


Motion by Councilman Holmberg, second by Mayor Gormally, to appoint Nick DeVenezia as 1st Alternate to the Planning Board, with all members in favor signifying by “Aye.”


Councilman Jackson will speak to the Historic Preservation Committee and possibly present a name for 2nd Alternate at the next Council meeting.


   Recreation Commission - Nicole Wright/Name submitted by Commission


Motion by Mayor Gormally, second by Councilman Jackson, to appoint Nicole Wright to the Recreation Commission, with all members in favor signifying by “Aye.”


Mr. Lewis mentioned that two Commission members had been appointed at the last Council meeting. The Commission was very appreciative of the fact that vacancies had been filled; however, they requested that the Commission be allowed to provide feedback on nominations before they are voted on by the Council. The Council was agreeable to this request.


Woodlands Committee- 2 vacancies   


Mr. Lewis will contact Jerry Uhrig regarding nominations. Deputy Mayor Happer asked Mr. Lewis if it would be possible to get a backhoe to take out the roots that were left at the pocket park after it had been cleaned up by the Woodlands Committee.


Mayor Gormally mentioned correspondence from Senator Anthony Bucco regarding the passage of a bill allowing municipalities to post legal notices on their websites versus having to publish the information in local newspapers. Senator Bucco supports this legislation as it would present a huge savings to municipalities.


  Mayor Gormally asked Mr. Lewis when the garbage contract expires. Mr. Lewis responded that the contract expires at the    

  end of 2012. Mayor Gormally told Mr. Lewis he would be interested in knowing the costs of maintaining the status quo and

  feasible alternatives. Mr. Lewis will look into this later in the year.




Mayor Gormally opened the public comment portion of the meeting with the consent of the Council.


With no one wishing to be heard, Mayor Gormally closed the public comment portion of the meeting.


 14. ADJOURNMENT at 10:00   p.m.


On motion by Deputy Mayor Happer, second by Councilman Holmberg, the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m.



*Consent Agenda



Attest: February 28, 2011



_________________________________     _______________________________ 

   Michele Reilly, Executive Assistant                  Charles X. Gormally,   Mayor