Environmental Commission Meeting Minutes

July 7, 2010


Attendance:  Corey Nachshen , Todd Terhune, Bill Albergo,  Cathy Harvey,  and Margaret Gossett


Not Present:  Khizar Sheikh, John Horan, Tom Carr, Jackie Bay and Charles Gormally

Minutes from the May and June 2010 meeting were approved.


Lakes Mapping – no report


Goose Management-The Canada Goose population will not be culled by the USDA this year.


Sustainable New Jersey –no report


Aquifer Quality Monitoring of Contaminated Industrial Sites - Ongoing


 Refurbished Well No. 3- Mountain Lakes has not been issued a permit for the well by NJDEP due to regulatory deficiencies.


Wellhead Protection Ordinance- no report


Mountain Lakes Dam Repairs – EC will  draft a letter to send to Council and the Town Manager requesting repair work engineering plans and proper NJDEP permitting for work being conducted at the dam on Mountain Lake.  Pictures presented at the Lake Committee meeting on July 6, 2010 by the DPW manager raised concerns regarding the scope of the work.  A picture of a chamber removed from the dam was provided. 


Drinking Water Violations - Mountain Lakes has been issued notices of monitoring violations the last four quarters from NJDEP for the main well on Rt. 46.


Cove Project -The EC will draft a proposal letter to Council for the next meeting.


ERI- Program is ready for testing.    Alternate views of maps that may be of interest to the public can be created.  The EC will schedule a public meeting in September.


Borough Council Laison - no report


Submitted by: Margaret Gossett