Mountain Lakes Green Team Meeting Minutes

January 21, 2010


Attendance:  B. Lewis, N. Wright, M. Rosseland, D. Fewell and J. Bay


Team members have begun to research submission requirements behind selected Sustainable Jersey tasks.  The researched tasks were those that have been deemed fairly easily achievable based upon previous work.   The objective is to achieve 150 points by September 2010. 


The following list details a potential 130 points and there is certain to be other low-hanging fruit.


Research was conducted on, the official program site.  Findings were as follows:


Create Green Team                                    10 pts


Action:  Write up meeting minutes and work with Andy Bulfer to place on Borough website

Timing:  By next meeting

Point person:  Jackie



Natural Resources Inventory                  20 pts


Action:  EC is currently working on the NRI; when it is presented to BC, we can handle the updating policy

Timing:  June 2010

Point person:  Jackie



Environmental Commission                                           10 pts


Action:  Search ordinance database; contact EC for copy of their Report

Timing:  By next meeting

Point person:  Jackie



Municipal Carbon Footprint                                            10 pts


Action:  Download worksheet and complete it

Timing:  By next meeting

Point person:  Nicole



Green Challenges & Community Programs               10 pts


Action:  Potential participants were discussed:  Garden Club behind a “Plant Native” pledge; DPW behind a “Compost vs. Hire a Landscaper” pledge.  New idea:  “Actually recycle in the schools vs. co-mingling trash”.  Sources of the challenge:  Jr. Nature Club, Mary Wallace and/or Robin Anderson about potential 6th and 7th grade involvement.

Timing:  To be determined if we want to pursue this

Point person:  Dave



Community Education and Outreach                           10 pts


Action:  Work with Marnie to submit LWV Green Café events

Timing:  By March meeting

Point person:  Mary



NOTE:  We had talked about activities that could go against a “School Programs & Partnerships” Action; however, the new brochure no longer lists that possibility.  The website is slated to be updated by January 29 and we can only assume that this category will go away.  Question:  how can we get credit for the Environmental Club’s stream study, the proposed school garden and the biodiversity tree planting project? 


Action:  Investigate areas where these projects can fit on the NEW website in February

Timing:  By next meeting

Point Person:  Dave



Water Conservation Ordinance                                      20 pts


Action:  Search the database for the ordinance.  Find copies of H&SA Bulletin (or other materials) that publicize alternate day watering rules

Timing:  By next meeting

Point person:  Mary



Recycling                                                                             20 pts


Action:  Work with DPW to get the tons recycled and # residents.  Follow up with Doug McWillliams about the tons of paper recycled on October 24, 2009.  Search H&SA Bulletin for shredding outreach materials.

Timing:  By next meeting

Point person:  Mary



Waste Reduction                                                                20 pts



Action:  Search the database for the 2 relevant ordinances; search H&SA Bulletins for educational materials; work with DPW to estimate participation

Timing:  By March meeting

Point person:  Mary



Research Topics for Next Meeting


Municipal Energy Audit:  Nicole

Open Space Plan:  Jackie

Green Historic Preservation:  Mary

Tree & Woodlands Mgmt:  Dave

Find a “home” for school projects:  Dave



Housekeeping:  Ideally, our team will be as self-sufficient as possible to avoid taxing Borough and DPW resources.  To that end, lets all commit to trying to find our own ordinances and resolutions online before calling for help.  Similarly, when the time comes to scan and upload, let’s use our own computers to create PDFs and offer to scan the documents using Borough machines.