Historic Preservation Committee

Meeting Minutes -- February 10, 2011

A meeting of the Mountain Lakes Historic Preservation Committee (“HPC”) was held on February 10, 2011 in the meeting room at the Mountain Lakes Borough Hall.  In attendance were Co-Chairs Tom Dagger and John Grossmann.  Also in attendance were Pat Rusak, Roberta Matalon and Beth Mauro.  Borough Council Liaison, Blair Bravo, Jess Mahony and Peggy Bulfer were absent

Opening Items

Treasurer's Report – John Grossmann reported on behalf of Treasurer Chris Sheasby the following financial information.  The opening balance was as of 1-11-10.  Expenses since the last meeting included $9,008.00 to Rutgers Press for the final installment due on the Centennial Book.  Expenses also included $149.14 for two iPods and two small, portable speakers for the Walking Tour; $167.23 for one plaque from Erie Landmark, and a $75.00 replacement check that was lost by Bank America.  Total expenses came to $9,399.37.  Revenue included $12,915.50 from Centennial Book sales and $15.00 for the Mountain Lakes History sold at the library.   

   Opening balance   






   Closing balance   



Archivist's Report

Pat Rusak reported Jackie Burkett, former archivist, suggested she could provide a box of historic photos to the HPC.  Dana Stokes may also have historic photos in her possession to donate as well. 

Centennial Report

Gala tickets are currently on sale.  Patty McElduff will provide a booth for the Centennial Committee at the Empty Bowls Event at the high school.  An enlarged photo of the first family of Mountain Lakes was suggested for the taking of photos with participants using their own faces through the openings. 

Public Comments     None.

Old Business

Historic Preservation Ordinance – Tom Dagger presented a draft outline of a proposed ordinance implementing the recommendations of the updated Master Plan Historic Preservation Element.  It was discussed and agreed that this would be the preferred method of presenting a proposal to the Borough Council, with ordinance language to be developed later in the process.

History Book – The book is selling well and there are still a few boxes left.  There was damage done to some of the books, including with scrunched opening endpages of the Midvale Stores photo.  Damaged books have been set aside for possible sale at a discount at a later date.  Nine copies were sold at the Mountain Lakes/Craftsman Farms Centennial day at Craftsman’s Farms, with Patty Herold signing copies. 

Historic Walking Tour – John Grossmann reported the tour still needs to be tested.  Roberta Matalon will volunteer to do so if Jess is not available.  The demo version could be put on the town website as well.  A small information booth will be included at the HPC Open House as an introduction to the Walking Tour for those interested and the two iPods loaded with the audio tour will be available for sampling.

Oral Histories – John Grossmann reported that he was about halfway through transcribing the Doug McWilliams oral history.

HPC Open House – Roberta Matalon has arranged for the open house to include vendors and organizations at the Community Church.  Ray Rajkumar, the sexton, is working with her to set up tables, electrical access, slide show, time period music, and beverages/snacks to be included.  A letter was distributed to prospective vendors and other participants including local architects Joan Nix, Richard Nelson, Lawrence Korinda.  Invitations to vendors included Bograds, Valley Furniture, A & R Interiors, Painten’ Place, Moe’s Distributors, Nest & Company and Triangle Iron Works.  Builders invited included Menard Construction and Goldsmith Co.   Specific individual craftsmen included John Hofacker and Richard Pierce; Carissa Mahnken was also invited.  Organizations, other than the HPC itself, will include the Stickley Museum and the Centennial Committee, which will be selling their celebration merchandise.  The HPC approved use of HPC funds to purchase small snacks and beverages including coffee for visitors at the open house.  Florists will be contacted to request free samples for decoration, and coordinated tablecloths will be supplied to create a uniform appearance.  Time period music will be borrowed from the Morris County Library and heard throughout the day at the event along with an ongoing slide presentation of historic photos.  Further information will be finalized after March 1st at which time all participants are expected to RSVP.

New Business

New Members – The HPC discussed the need to draw new members.  Various people are under consideration.

John Steen - John Grossmann discussed the written work of John Steen and the potential of adding the information to the HPC website.  The documents recently submitted include an essay about the civic duties of three historic mayors of Mountain Lakes titled “A Town Preserved.” 

Other - Morris County Historic Preservation Trust Fund 2011 Grant Application Workshop was held on January 26th.  John Grossmann reported the information from the workshop.  He reported that churches are getting grants for preservation.  Grant money could be used for many applicable projects in town but there are procedures and deadlines that need to be followed.  The medium grant is $88,000 and can extend over several years and can be used for feasibility studies seeking a grant.  But the projects must pertain to municipally owned or church owned properties (not privately owned property such as The Midvale Stores) and cannot be used for educational purposes, such as signage, brochures, etc.  More information is available at www.MorrisPreservation.org

Date for Next Meeting

The next meeting will be on Thursday, March 10, 2011 at 7:30 PM in the meeting room at the Mountain Lakes Borough Hall.

Minutes prepared by Roberta Matalon and other HPC member contributors.