Historic Preservation Committee

Meeting Minutes – July 10, 2014

A meeting of the Mountain Lakes Historic Preservation Committee (“HPC” or the “Committee”) was held on July 10, 2014, at the Mountain Lakes Borough Hall.  In attendance were Co-Chairs John Grossmann and Tom Dagger, Mike DeWitt, Lesley Karczewski, Pat Rusak and Borough Liaison Frank Borin.  Absent were Ginny Cassidy, Margaret DeWitt and Chris Smith.

Approval of Prior Meeting’s Minutes

The minutes of the June 10, 2014 meeting were approved in the form in which they were distributed to the Committee.

Treasurer’s Report

John Grossmann presented the report prepared by Chris Sheasby:


Opening Balance as of June 4, 2014:  $29,341.88



$13.91             Pat Rusak for Historic Photos

    6.00             Peggy Bulfer for postage

$19.91             Total Debits



$214.00           Hapgood Plaque


Closing Balance as of July 8, 2014:  $29,535.97


Archivist’s Report

Pat Rusak reported on her ongoing effort at the County Courthouse to confirm dates on the deeds of Hapgood and Belhall houses, explaining that this summer she again has a volunteer high school student assisting her.  She’s now made it to the D-streets. 

She mentioned that the archives remains in need of a light box to help her view old slides.  Mike DeWitt said that his family might have one that could be donated to the archives. Should that not be the case, HPC should post a notice on the Borough homepage asking for such a donation. 

Borough Liaison Report

Frank Borin said that he had spoken with Borough Manager Bob Tovo about the Midvale Stores sidewalk project.  He said Tovo was pleased to learn that property owner Bill Corvelli would be happy to meet again to discuss the project.  The Borough Manager will contact the HPC and look to schedule that meeting soon.   

Frank also said that the Borough was now ready to implement the previously discussed transition of the HPC account to Borough administration as a separate account dedicated to the Committee and its defined mission. 

Old Business

Ordinance Implementation

Tom Dagger indicated that work is progressing on updating the website photos and ordinance language. 

Morris County Historical Preservation Grant

Lesley Karczewski said that she hadn’t yet met with Archivist Pat Rusak to put together a wish list of projects to aid the Committee in deciding what might best be sought in the grant application that would be due in early October. Lesley said she would email the wish list to Committee members this summer, so the discussion could take place more promptly via email and not have to wait until our next meeting in September.

New Committee Members

Frank Borin said he had alerted the Borough Council of the Committee’s need for new members.  Tom Dagger said he would follow through on the plan to post such a request on the Borough Homepage.  John Grossmann pointed out that the most successful way of getting new members has generally been by asking friends and buttonholing neighbors.   

Trolley Tracks Roadbed Repair Project

John Grossmann reported that he had talked with Park Lakes Club board member George Jackson, who said he would bring up the Trolley Track Roadbed project with his board and report back.  John said it appears this old section of the trolley line is on Park Lakes Club property and not Borough owned land.  Even so, he left a phone message for Mark Prusina of DPW, hoping that he’ll agree to inspect the water damage to the path and be able to provide advice on how difficult and expensive repairs would be.

New Business


Date for Next Meeting

Thursday, September 4, at 7:30 p.m. at the Mountain Lakes Borough Hall.

Minutes prepared by John Grossmann and Tom Dagger.