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Restoration and Renovation Handbook

Recent years have brought about an appreciation of the aesthetic and economic value of historic architecture. This Restoration and Renovation Handbook was prepared by a team of architects and history experts on the Mountain Lakes Historic Preservation Committee to guide residents in planning and designing restorations, renovations, additions and new construction in harmony with the existing environment, and in a manner that will reinforce the character of the community and enhance its visual aspects. Included are both tangible and intangible concepts that reflect Mountain Lakes' unique heritage.

It is hoped that this handbook will be helpful to homeowners in preserving the distinguishing characteristics of the community, while leaving room for expressions of change and adaptation.

Specific guidelines cannot be all-inclusive, especially in a community such as Mountain Lakes with its varied architectural styles. Guidelines are always subject to change as new techniques develop and as new materials come on the market. Ideally, historic materials should be preserved but practically this cannot always be done.

This handbook is designed to be used in conjunction with the zoning laws and building codes of Mountain Lakes. The guidelines apply principally to the original Hapgood and Belhall houses but the basic principles can apply to any style of architecture. They will be of most value if reviewed in the early planning phase of a project -- before the completion of architectural drawings, and the selection of materials.

Copies of the Restoration and Renovation Handbook can also be obtained at the Mountain Lakes Library.