Borough of Mountain Lakes

Lakes Management Committee

May 2003 Issues


* Cold and rainy weather in April interfered with early algae treatment.


* The Committee reviewed algae problems that arose before treatment.


* Copper sulfate treatment has begun.


* Allied Biological (Mountain Lakes’ lakes management service provider) noted that the Spring microscopic surveys showed a generally normal population of diatoms, other plankton, algae, etc.  Between 2 and 7 genera of organisms were present in April, depending on the date and the lake examined.  Examples:

Synura and Volvox:




* Crystal Lake will be treated for Curly Leaf Pond Weed.  

Information on Curly Leaf Pond Weed



* The cold Winter seems to have produced a heavy population of Spirogyra in all the lakes that Allied Biological has examined, not just in Mountain Lakes.




* Discussion of Sunset Lake water lily growth.  Allowing some native weeds to grow establishes a nutrient sink, trapping nutrients in actively growing rooted plants rather than releasing them to fuel algae blooms.  The Southern Naiad growth in Mountain Lake and Wildwood is another example.  The Borough tries to manage this as part of the overall plan, and as a stabilizing adjunct to chemical treatment.



The Borough Manager reported that:


* Dam work at Crystal Lake is 95% done.

* Wildwood Lake dam spillway work under way.  Coffer dam to be built.

* Birchwood Dock D aluminum in place and plastic being prepared.



Neither Mountain Lakes nor Allied Biological endorses any Web site or connection made through this page.  They are provided only as examples of places on the Web with additional information.