Borough of Mountain Lakes

Lakes Management Advisory Committee

December 2004 Issues



l Cleanup work on two areas delayed by recent warm weather.


l Committee discussed of areas to be cleaned if the Borough undertakes a new 6 year cleaning plan.


l Manager reported that he probed and surveyed area near Club and at other end of that bend in Mountain Lake.  Both ends would require land based equipment; there are also limitations on depth for water based equipment.


l Highlights of Allied Biological Annual Report

Lake by lake treatment review.  Water quality review. 


Lake specific goal suggestions for 2005:

          Identify the extent, duration and influence of stratification in Birchwood Lake.

          Monitor pH and the presence of bladderwort more frequently in Mountain Lake.

Target Olive, Shadow, and Cove Lakes for the Lakes Cleaning Project.

          Effect long-term control of water lilies in Sunset Lake with fluridone.

          Encourage re-colonization of naiad in Mountain Lake.

          Identify and remove Purple Loosestrife from all lake shorelines.


l Committee discussed possibility that 2004 was a fraction less successful than the best of the last few years.  The results are very much better than a decade ago.  It was felt that the results in 2004 were good, problems were environmentally driven, and 2005 results could easily be above the recent average.


Committee Goal Discussion:


Continue existing successful treatment program.

Create new 5 year treatment program. 

          Assess ability to omit a year of cleaning..

Look for long-term management solutions/successes.


          Work with environmental commission on non-point source pollution.  Review other bodies with overlapping mandates (watershed in general) and discuss how to understand and perhaps coordinate objectives and goals.

          Educate public on long-term care.


Continue to focus public awareness on the importance and fragility of our lakes.


Review Allied's lake specific goals for 2005.