Borough of Mountain Lakes

Lakes Management Advisory Committee

Issues October 2006



● Reviewed draw-down of Birchwood for wall repair.


● Reviewed access and preparation for cleaning of Shadow.  Allied Biological is Mountain Lakes’ lakes management consultant.

                    ● Discussion of hydroraking for Shadow.  The following directs you to Allied Biological’s page on hydroraking.


● Discussed prospects and funding for Sunset dam work.  Borough is ahead of DEP schedule for flood control.


● Discussion of Eurasian Water Milfoil increase.  This is an invasive non-native plant that can interfere with use of the lakes and out-compete native plants.  Need for survey and Sonar treatment in 2007.  The following directs you to information on Eurasian Water Milfoil.


● Discussion of higher water clarity this year.


● Discussion of the year-end report led to discussion of 2007 budget.


● Discussion of Birchwood lilies, oxygen levels, potential impact of draw-down, and potential alum treatment.  Lakes management is always engaged in balancing nutrient trapping through plant growth against use of the lakes.  The Birchwood lily tubers may be reduced by the draw-down for retaining wall construction, which could affect the amount of chemical control necessary.


● Thanks from the swim team for excellent water quality season.


● Discussion of annual lakes review walk timing.  Set for 10/28/06.


● Discussion of Birchwood retaining wall and construction.  Stone facing for appearance, over concrete and rebar for cost and durability. 


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