August 26, 2010


Chair Sandy Batty read the Open Public Meeting Advertisement Notice adopted at the annual meeting on January 28, 2010:  Adequate notice of this meeting was given to the Citizen and the Daily Record, posted with the Borough Clerk and on the Bulletin Board and made available to all those requesting individual notice and paying the required fee.



Members Present: Nachshen, Batty, Holmberg, Nix, Lewis, Jackson, Bravo, and Zamierowski

Absent: Bailey, Kane and Selver

Also Absent: Attorney Peter Henry, Engineer Bill Ryden


REVIEW OF MINUTES: The minutes of July 22nd were held so the secretary could review the tape of the meeting to clarify a statement made during testimony.



ROBERT KLINGENBURG                                        App. #09-237

Joan Nix made a motion to adopt the resolution of approval; Corey Nachshen provided the second. The resolution was carried by a vote of 5 to 0 with members Batty, Nix, Holmberg, Nachshen and Zamierowski voting in favor.


FRANCIS AND MINDY OK                                     Appl. # 10-242

Peter Holmberg made a motion to adopt the resolution of approval; Corey Nachshen provided the second. The resolution was carried by a vote of 4 to 0 with members Batty, Holmberg, Nachshen and Zamierowski voting in favor.



GIM Investors, LLC                                                     Appl. #09-238


Charles Applebaum a licensed Attorney in the state of New Jersey was present to request an extension of time for his client.  The applicant would like to have an additional 60 days to perfect the subdivision. The reciprocal easement for access took a bit longer to resolve than the applicant thought. The Borough Engineer, Bill Ryden, has reviewed the maps and provided the applicant with his comments. The applicant would like to get comments from the Borough Attorney, Peter Henry who is currently on vacation.

Sandy Batty read wording recommended by our Attorney Peter Henry to grant a 60 day extension of time for GIM Investors to perfect the subdivision creating Lots 2.01 and 2.02.

There were no comments from members of the public.

The applicant agreed to the conditions of the extension. Barry Lewis made a motion to approve the extension of time and Blair Bravo provided the second.  The request was approved by a vote of 8 to 0 with members Batty, Nix, Bravo, Lewis, Jackson, Holmberg, Nachshen and Zamierowski voting in favor.






Joan Nix updated the Board on the status of the Master Plan chapters.

Chapter 1 - Community Characteristics is almost ready to bring to the Board for a first review.

Chapter 2 – Statement of Objectives, Principles, Assumptions and Policies will be done tonight.

Chapter 3 – Land Use Plan is not ready for the Board yet.

Chapter 4 – Housing Element and Fair Share Plan needs to be review by our professionals.

Chapter 5 - Circulation was already reviewed but needs to come back to the Board for a final review before a public hearing.

Chapter 6 – Conservation Plan is not ready for a Board yet.

Chapter 7 – Community Facilities and Utilities Plan was already reviewed but needs to come back to the Board for a final review before the public hearing.

Chapter 8 - Recreation Plan was already reviewed but needs to come back to the Board for a final review before a public hearing.

Chapter 9 - Recycling Plan will be finalized tonight.

Chapter 10 - Historic Preservation Plan is already complete.

Chapter 11 – Relationship to Other Plans must be completed after all the other chapters are done.

Chapter 12 - Summary of Major Findings and Recommendations must be completed after all the other chapters are done.

Chapter 13 - Storm Water Management Plan was recently adopted.

Joan Nix then explained the committees plan to bring two chapters at a time to the Board for review. She said if we did that we would be done by January. George Jackson asked that the Board complete the review by December because the members of the Board change every year. Joan Nix then proposed the following schedule: Chapter 2 and 9 would be done tonight. Chapters 7, 8, and 1 would be worked on in September. Chapters 5, 3, and 6 would be done in October and Chapters 11, 12 and 4 would be done in November.  She also asked that the chapters be adopted as they were completed. By doing so the revisions made would still be fresh in the minds of Board members.


Element IX. - Recycling Plan – George Jackson asked if the Borough submitted the annual recycling tonnage reports mentioned in the element. Barry Lewis explained the Borough was required to submit such reports and they did get a recycled tonnage grant of $6 to7000 per year. The section on Maintain Commitment to Recycling was updated to include the newly finished renovations in the recycling area at the DPW.  It was questioned whether or not we needed to include the section on Recycling Facilities for Large Developments.  Sandy Batty reviewed the section with the head of the Department of Solid Waste and we do need this section in our Master Plan.

The Board determined the Recycling chapter was ready for a Public Hearing and did not need to be reviewed by the Planner.


Element II. Statement of Objectives, Principles, Assumptions and Policies Underlying the Master Plan – The element was reviewed and minor corrections/additions were made.  The Board determined the chapter was ready for a Public Hearing on September 23rd but wanted the chapter to be reviewed by the Planner and Attorney.


Other Business


George Jackson mentioned the Council would be vacating the paper road north of Crestview on North Glen Road. He said it was suggested at the Council meeting that the Panning Board review all the paper roads in the Borough and determine which ones should be kept and which ones should be vacated. Barry Lewis said he had been working with this and would be creating a list of the paper roads and a map for review.

Joan Nix asked why the Council did not talk to the Planning Board about the North Glen vacation. George Jackson said vacating the road was the role of the Council. He also thought this action would not create a precedent. Sandy Batty asked about the path going to the Tourne, since the path is partially on the resident’s property. 


Corey Nachshen will be showing Zoning Board of Adjustment, on September 2nd, the MCPRIMA site (Morris County Public Resources Interactive Mapping Application) and how to use it. Sandy Batty asked if he could make the presentation for the Planning Board as well. It was decided we should do so at our next meeting.


Barry Lewis told the Board that the Borough was applying for the Morris County Open Space Grant to obtain the King of Kings property. The grant was filed and we would be making a presentation to Committee on Oct 23rd. The grant from Morris County would help us purchase the property. It would become another tracked of Borough owned land.


Sandy Batty made a motion to adjourn the meeting. The Board adjourned at 9:20 PM.




Respectfully submitted,



                                                                                    Cynthia Shaw, Secretary