May 26, 2011


Chair Sandy Batty read the Open Public Meeting Advertisement Notice adopted at the annual meeting on January 27, 2011:  Adequate notice of this meeting was given to the Citizen and the Daily Record, posted with the Borough Clerk and on the Bulletin Board and made available to all those requesting individual notice and paying the required fee.



Members Present: Batty, Kane, Zamierowski, Bailey, DeVenezia and Dagger

Absent: Selver, Lewis, Gormally, Holmberg and Nachshen

Also Present: Attorney Peter Henry (left 8pm), Engineer Bill Ryden (left 8pm)


REVIEW OF MINUTES: Martin Kane made a motion to adopt the minutes of the March 24th meeting. Jim Bailey provided the second; the minutes were approved by voice vote of all eligible voters.



CIGCO, LLC                                                  Appl. # 09-240


Martin Kane made a motion to adopt the resolution of approval; Nick DeVenezia provided the second.  The resolution was carried by a vote of 5 to 0 with members Batty, Kane, Bailey, Zamierowski and DeVenezia voting in favor.



            EDWARD LOH                                              217 Boulevard

            Blk. 55, Lot 24.02                                            Appl. # 11-244

            Soil Moving                                                      Zone – R-AA


Notice for the application was made to the residents within 200 ft. however the notice was for an incorrect date. Subsequently the applicant had a representative visit everyone on the 200 ft. list and secured their signatures waving the right to 10 days notice. David Erickson, of 148 Laurel Hill Road, told the Board that the signature collected was neither his or his wife’s. He had not received an opportunity sign off. Mr. Erickson then waived his right to the 10 days required notice.

Because the representative who collected the signatures was not present at the meeting the Board could not confirm all the signatures collected were original. It was determined that notice was not satisfied and Mr. Loh will have to re-notice for the next meeting, June 23, 2011.



Master Plan

Chapter 3 – Land Use Plan


Peter Henry gave his comments on the chapter to Jim Bailey before he left for the evening. The Board reviewed the chapter and made minor changes throughout.

Major changes included the following:

At the end of the Existing Land Use Chart there were references from various sources to the number of acres in the Borough. Since the acreage varied greatly the Board removed all such references.

They also removed the references to Future Land Use incorporating those sections into the already exciting Residential Land Use Section. The members discussed the amount of work that needed to be done on Rt. 46 east; it is an area of town that is really in need of redevelopment. The Board thought it might be helpful to have the Planner look at the area and make some suggestions. Jim Bailey, John Zamierowski and Nick DeVenezia would like to meet with Planner to go over Chapter 3 and any suggestions they may have for Rt. 46.

Lastly the Board reviewed the Summary of Major Land Use Policies.  They decided to break the list into two parts, policies and recommendations, rather than have one list of proposals.


Other Business

Since there was no additional business and no one present from the public, Sandy Batty made a motion to adjourn the meeting. The Board adjourned at 10:05 PM.


Respectfully submitted,



                                                                                    Cynthia Shaw, Secretary