September 26, 2013


Chair Jim Bailey read the Open Public Meeting Advertisement Notice adopted at the annual meeting on January 24, 2013:  Adequate notice of this meeting was given to the Citizen and the Daily Record, filed with the Borough Clerk, posted on the Bulletin Board in the Borough Hall on January 28, 2013 and made available to all those requesting individual notice and paying the required fee.


Meeting start: 7:32 pm



Members Present: Bailey, Zamierowski, Horan, Kane (7:35pm), Tovo and Happer

Absent: Nachshen, Dagger, Bravo, DeVenezia

Also Present: Attorney Peter Henry

Also Absent: Engineer Bill Ryden


REVIEW OF MINUTES:   Dan Happer made a motion to adopt the minutes of the June 27th meeting.  Robert Tovo provided the second; the minutes were approved by voice vote of all eligible voters.






Other Business

Master Plan Review

The Chair Jim Bailey explained this was the last review of the Master Plan before the public hearing scheduled next month for the adoption of the entire document. The review had began over 4 years ago with a committee consisting of himself, Joan Nix and Peter Holmberg. All the chapters have been reviewed by our Planners.

The Board went through the document and made minor typographic corrections.

Peter Henry asked three tables in the Land Use Element be reviewed. In the Historic Preservation Element table #1 would be removed and changes would be made referencing the new ordinance. At the end of this element was Appendix H, the Evaluation of Impact of other Master Plan Elements as required by MLUL. It was suggested a different conclusion at the end of the element be used to incorporate this requirement. Martin Kane had looked at the Master Plans of other towns and reported they all handled the evaluation very seriously. He felt the Board should use a more detailed approach then planned. Peter Henry was afraid changing the appendix at this point would delay the approval of the plan, the new evaluation although brief really works much better at making the analysis.  Mr. Kane suggested we take Appendix H and add to the end of the element rather than make it an appendix. Dan Happer asked if we could somehow combine the two in some way. John Zamierowski remarked Appendix H repeats what has already been said in the plan the new version at least says something different. Martin Kane suggested we use the new evaluation for the element but add a new introductory statement. In the end the Board decided to remove Appendix H and use the new evaluation with a new introductory statement as well as some minor edits. In the 13th Element, the Stormwater Management Plan, it was suggested we ask Bill Ryden, the Borough Engineer, if we could remove the references to figures 1 – 6 if not should we include the figures.  The Board felt we were now ready for the public hearing on October 24, 2013.


COAH – Peter Henry reported there had been a new Supreme Court ruling today. The Court said the administration has 5 months to come up with COAH new regulations.


There were no other committee reports this evening and no one from the public was present.


Jim Bailey told the Board we would have a new second alternate at our next Board meeting, her name is Bethany Russo.


Dan Happer made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Robert Tovo provided the second.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:28 pm.


Respectfully submitted,



                                                                                    Cynthia Shaw, Secretary