Minutes for April 16, 2013
7:30 PM Borough Hall

Present: Chairperson – Wright, Commissioners – Caputo, Petersen, Terhune, Thompson, Sentowski, Shertzer, Spoto;  Director – Flynn, Liaison to Board of Ed – Mitchell;  Liaison to Council - Holmberg

A motion to approve the minutes from the meeting of March 19, 2013 was made by Lydia Spoto.  Seconded by Wright.  Motion passed.

Goals Updates
I. Electronic Facilities Request system, Nicole  Wright and Celia Flynn

The vendor package, RSchools, is a Facilities request system and activity scheduler.  The cost for the system will be split between the municipality and the Board of Education.  The municipality will use funds from its Facilities Fees Trust account.  It is expected to be up and running for the fall sports season.

II. Track update, Celia Flynn

The Junior program has 105 kids and is doing well, having won its last 2 meets.  The clinic program is using the all-weather track behind Wildwood school for an upcoming meet.  This has been arranged with the High School coaches who use the track.

III. Events updates, Lydia Spoto

The Events subcommittee wants to understand how well the current slate of town events is meeting the needs and demands of the populace.  The sub-committee proposes to the group creating an online survey to distribute to the public.  Chairperson Wright suggests consulting a person in town who has experience creating surveys and can help craft the questions to maximize the survey’s effectiveness.  It was also agreed that the survey should have to be heavily advertised via email blast, VB (Virtual Backpack), online, etc.

Recreation Director Issues
This was Celia Flynn’s final Rec Commission meeting as Recreation Director.  She has resigned and will serve until May 1st.

I. Summer Camp updates

Celia has contracted a different performer for each week of summer camp.  This will be marketed via VB prior to the price hike, 5/15.  Counselor applications are due on May 20th (confirm?), which can be found online.

Cheryl White and Kevin Wallace will be the camp directors.  The first week of summer camp overlaps with Lakers Family Lacrosse on July 1, 2, and 3.  First, this may affect Cheryl White’s availability.  Second, it means that enrollment in summer camp may be down.  The group decided to watch enrollment for that week.  If it is thin, then we feel confident the camp can function with Cheryl splitting time with lacrosse camp. This will also enable camp staff additional time for setup, as this year’s setup time is shorter than normal due to school ending late in the year.  If enrollment is heavy, we have concerns about the potential absence of our second camp director.  This latter possibility of heavy enrollment is unlikely.  The commission has requested an enrollment update on 5/1.

Early care is offered again this year.  Parents can drop at 8 for an additional $5/day.

II. Beach and Tennis Tags

Nicole Wright will draft the form for the new Summer Resident tags (discussed in prior month’s meeting).  Tennis and Beach tags for Summer Residents will have the same cost.  The commission will need to discuss using Tag Checkers at the tennis courts this year if the swipe key card system is not implemented in time.  Currently, the Mark Prusina of the DPW has a quote on one system.  The commission will continue to discuss whether they will hire a Park Ranger this season. If there is no Park Ranger, residents will have to call police when infractions on facilities usage are observed.

III.  Racking Boats year-round

Mark Prusina and Bob Tovo are looking into the possibility of racking boats year-round.  They both think it is possible.  The objective is to provide that service to residents for an additional fee.  The possibility of a 3-year lease is posited.  The town would need all boats removed once every three years to enable rack maintenance.  This may be too inflexible; residents may want a shorter lease. 

IV. Fourth of July Update

The contract with the fireworks company (same as last year) has been signed.  The fundraising letter has to go out in early June.  Sixteen hundred letters are mailed out, which costs $300.  Last year, donations totaled $7000. The cost is $13,500.  There is $5000 in the budget for this. 

The July 4th races at the club need to be arranged with the ML Club and managed. This and the fundraising letter will be managed by the new Rec Director.

V. Fall Sports

There will be a Field Hockey clinic running on Sundays, starting in late August run by Cathi Mitchell. This is open to grades 3 through 8.  The field hockey board plans to advertise this earlier than it did last year.

Rugby will run in the summer.  This is managed by a board separate from our Rec Department.

Recreation Sports Boards Guidelines and Systems

Deb and Pete distributed standards defining a Recreational Sport, and a checklist defining a Recreation Sports board.  The Commission will read both after the meeting and exchange comments via email.  This will be discussed at the next meeting. 


Action Items

·         On 5/1, Celia will update the commission on the summer camp enrollment for the first week.

·         Nicole Wright to draft the Summer Resident Tennis Tag form

·         Events sub-committee to draft survey

·         Commission will review and comment on the two draft items submitted by the sports sub commission.

·         Sports sub commission to determine if the town will continue its membership in PCA


Open Session adjourned at 9:20

Closed session