Mountain Lakes Shade Tree Commission

Minutes of Meeting

February 12, 2009


Commissioners in attendance: H. Carr, J. Best, T. Caine, B. Rosenthall, M. Vyff, J. Eveleth, and L. Conner

Borough Manager: J. Tempesta

Council Liaison: D. McWilliams


January minutes were not passed as written.

There were no comments from the public.


1.    Report from Joe Tempesta on CSIP grant and P&R bids: CSIP grant geared to planting. Full landscape plan, photos of sites, plant schedule and a professional to oversee process must be submitted by March 31 (please refer to page 2 of grant). STC committee to oversee CSIP Grant: Best, Carr, Rosenthall, Vyff will photograph sites.


2.    STC Budget passed for 2009. Can CSIP money be used to complete P&R? Joe will seek clarification.


3.    H&SA article for March – Continue with FAQs, No room for tree logo, no need to locate old logo.


4.    Arbor Day will be May 1st. Schedule of events was shared. Kazmark, Shaw and Odenwelder have been notified of events. New story has been selected for Jr. Nature Club to perform. Notice of Arbor Day should be submitted to H&S Bulletin and should include link to STC. Seedlings will be distributed. Two honorary trees will be planted.


5.    Welcome letter to Realtors: Letter is ready for distribution; letter from Borough with MUA information will be added at a later date.


6.    Old Business

a.   Website – Link to Bartlett Tips: complete

b.   Mountain Lakes Day – Landscaping w/ trees slideshow: Tom, Marnie and Bonnie will complete Power Point presentation. Portable Smart Board was suggested as an activity for children. Tent and tree city flag will be used. Contact Tony Cerbo for display of trees during celebration.

c.    Tree City recertification: complete

d.   Community Forestry Management Plan: complete

e.   EC Report: Marnie will provide EC report on ML fauna

f.     Centennial celebration – Honorary tree drive Ò100 Trees for 100 YearsÓ begins on St. PatrickÕs Day 2011. Area for planting should be designated before launching campaign. Steve Shaw could pitch plan at Arbor Day.

g.   Other grants: Sue will pursue.


10. New Business/Other

a.   Invasive Committee report: Formed to give town commissions direction. Need to delineate what is invasive and what is native. STC must reach consensus on treatment of Norway maple.

b.   Tony Cerbo should be contacted about ML Day, completion of 2008 tree planting and CSIP Grant.

c.    Sue Marshall is up for reappointment in 2010.


11. Next meeting will be held on Thursday, March 12th.