Mountain Lakes Shade Tree Commission
Minutes June 13, 2013

Present: Consuelo Murtagh - Chair, Marnie Vyff, Janet Horst, Tom Caine, Heather Scott


Town Club Grant- We won the grant from The Town Club to plant trees by the Borough parking lot. Janet will write an article about it for sept. And we will write a Thank you to The Town Club. Janet is taking care of buying grant trees. They don't have some of the types requested. She will talk to sue about what she would replace them with. Sue Marshall's tree is doing better. It seems to have gotten over the shock of the transplant.

New member- Heather Scott, started today. Welcome to the new member. Borough Council has oked Heather. Her core training is in October. The Commission could use two more members, so keep ears open and invite people.

CSIP grant application got in on time for $20,000 for tree planting.

Trees- Consuelo handed out the tree walk lists. Consuelo will get us lists to check up on removes. Marnie will email the form for listing trees that need attention for our tree walks as well as the form for talking to residents. Janet wrote directions on how to input our tree walks into the computer. Heather would like to study it.

There's an app that can help us identify tree types called Leaf Snap. The USDA climate zones have been changed. To find your new climate zone, put in zipcode or address in their website.

Carpenter ant tree. Do we spray? We should contact Cornell on what to do. Carpenter ants are attracted to wet wood. We should talk to an arborist or fumigator. Spraying makes them flee to other trees. Doug suggests using Oil. The Borough Manager and the Municipal Department are the ones to take care of this.

Articles- Tom Caine will post the Ash Borer article on our website. Janet will write article about the best trees to plant in a small yard.

Additional- Janet would like to run a contest in the fall.

Next meeting is September 12, 2013.


Respectfully submitted by Marnie Vyff