Mountain Lakes Shade Tree Commission
October 10, 2013

Commissioners present: Consuelo, Tom, Janet, Marnie, Jay, Doug

  1. Comments from the public - none
  2. Minutes approved. Minutes – Heather Scott will be taking minutes from now on. Marnie is working on getting the minutes organized/updated.
  3. Summer Tree Surveys Status – all done. Janet mentioned a situation involving 2 trees that were on the remove list but Joan recommended that they be taken down by a private contractor immediately. There was discussion over various trees that may require more immediate attention than those typically assigned to the STC.
  4. Cerbo Nursury Tour – Consuelo will follow up with pictures to be placed on the STC website.
  5. Tree Maintenance Plans – no money available for anything that isn't urgent. Doug said FEMA reimbursements don't allow for other work. No changes to policy will be made.
  6. Fall Tree Plantings – parking lot plantings in progress. To be followed up on in the fall.
  7. Janet's CEU Training Experience – did a one day training. We now have our required number of CEU's. Janet reported on various issues, mould, insects, hazardous trees, emerald ash borer.
  8. Hosting early Spring STC event – Janet suggested that we meet with members of other STC's to learn how they handle tree removals. She suggested that we compare our ordinances to those of other towns to learn how we can be more effective and stretch our dollars father.
  9. Other
    Marnie – Sustainable NJ is offering grants. She suggested that we apply for funding. Not many organizations are applying for these grants to there is a high probability that we would be approved.
    Janet is looking to improve her grant writing skills. Various ideas were discussed. Consuelo suggested tying in to our 5-year plan.
    Doug mentioned doing another volunteer round table.

Next Meeting, November 14, 2013.