Woodland Management Committee June 16, 2010


Attending: Cliff Miles, Phil Notestine, Martha Dwyer-Bergman, Margaret Gossett (MLEC liaison), George Jackson (Council Liaison)


Margaret Gossett presented a draft landscape proposal done by Lynn Uhrig for The Cove, including the removal of invasive plants. It will need approval from Council. The Environmental Commission supports having the Barbary removed from the Cove and native shrubs planted, as well as groundcover in lieu of grass. Use it as an educational format as a demonstration garden that will include stone walls/benches to allow recreational activities i.e. Ice skating, fishing.  Natural plantings that can be self sustained. Create an informal hedge of native plants and ground cover. 


Project on Crane and Morris - unable to work on the site currently; lack of manpower.  However, the site is still good not going backwards.  Scout project areas trees and shrub plantings are being watered on the Boulevard.


Phil saw a gray fox on Midvale, Martha saw it also.  Red fox are common. Has anyone seen or heard coyotes? It seems that coyotes, once a concern, are now few. Otherwise, fox would be scarce and not so bold.


Margaret suggested that there should be a guest lecture from Woodlands regarding Invasive removal from Woodlands without replanting to Garden Club so that they understand the logic of our approaches.


 Bird watchers:  Wood thrushes are now plentiful in our woodlands, Veerys heard, gold finches in full color and nesting. Our woodlands understory is rebounding in most, if not all parklands.


Budget $2,600. We can now purchase Microsoft Access database management software – who needs a copy?


Cliff is working on the Fauna database including butterfly, moth, dragonfly and Damsel Fly observations.




Martha Dwyer-Bergman
