Historic Preservation Committee

Meeting Minutes – May 19, 2016

A meeting of the Mountain Lakes Historic Preservation Committee ("HPC" or the "Committee") was held on May 19, 2016, in the Mountain Lakes Library. In attendance were, Chair Lesley Karczewski, Margaret DeWitt, Alex Gotthelf, Sima Chowdhury, and Ginny Cassidy. Absent were Borough Council Liaison Bill Albergo (cameo only), Vice Chair Tom Dagger, Mike DeWitt, Pat Rusak, and Katy Roberts.

Approval of Prior Meeting’s Minutes

Motion to approve the minutes of the April 21, 2016 by Margaret DeWitt,

Seconded by: Alex Gotthelf,


Treasurer’s Report

Lesley Karczewski presented the report:

Opening Balance as of April 20, 2016: $31,447.95

$201.20 Erie Landmark for 1 plaque
  $16.34 M. DeWitt for shipping
Total Debits: $217.54

$400.00 Eight Centennial Books

Closing Balance as of May 16, 2016: $31,630.41

Archivist’s Report

No Report.

Lesley Karczewski reported that Rebecca, new archivist candidate, has decided to decline the HPC’s offer. Kara Fox will run an email blast again to advertise the position. Alex and Lesley will contact some potential candidates as well.

Borough Liaison Report

Bill Albergo made a cameo appearance to deliver the keys for the lock to the dynamite shed. A key was given to Alex Gotthelf and Lesley Karczewski kept the original.

Old Business

Ordinance Update:

Alex Gotthelf reported on the ad-hoc committee meeting on May 10th organized by Tom Dagger to review the proposed changes to the ordinance. The meeting was attended by Chris Richter (Chairman of the Zoning Board of Adjustment), Larry Korinda, Joan Nix, Alex Gotthelf (local architects), Tom Menard (local builder), and a realtor (name TBA).

Several of the proposed ordinance changes (OC) were revised to address concerns and provide clarification. The ordinance changes are:

  1. Limit street-facing façade restrictions to a "primary" street-facing facade only.
  2. Allow for alterations to be made with HPC/ZBA approval without affecting eligibility for incentives.
  3. Make explicit that, for eligible contributing dwellings, variances are measured against the enhanced zoning regulations, so long as all other eligibility requirements are satisfied and the procedural requirements for taking advantage of the incentives are met (architect’s certification, extra copies submitted for the HPC, etc.).
  4. Make explicit that the enhanced zoning regulations are available even for applications not involving an alteration to the main dwelling itself but some other improvement on the lot, including a new or altered accessory structure or lot improvement such as a driveway, patio, generator, swimming pool.
  5. Changes in timing of payment, and amount, of demolition permit fee
  6. Other Requirements for Demolition Permit
  7. Subdivisions
  8. HPC Oversight
  9. Add new Contributing Dwellings to Ordinance
  10. (NEW) Grade Plan Calculations
  11. Miscellaneous

Oral Histories:

The authors of "Growing Up Laker" are scheduled to meet with Pat Rusak on May 20th. They are requesting photographs from the archive. Lesley Karczewski said that they expressed concern that access to the images from the archive would not be open ended. She suggested 3 images for free and any additional images will be available at a cost. The authors "seemed agreeable."

The Communications Committee invited Lesley Karczewski to meet with Bob Karczewski, John Lester and Miguel Bravo to discuss a joint oral history/Lakers Live project. Lesley feels that we should figure out how to work with John as he has a lot of enthusiasm for interviewing folks but HPC members agreed that there is a need for HPC to retain oversight.

Lesley also wants to reach out to Patty McElduff to see about involving high school students in the project.

32 Condit: The house is available for us to document before it is gutted. Lesley Karczewski will send out an email to coordinate a group to go to the house and assess it for photography and for what can be salvaged.

New Business

Mountain Lakes Day

It was agreed that HPC should attend the Mountain Lakes Day event. Lesley will reserve a booth and send out a sign-up sheet for 2-hour shifts and coordinate delivery of tables, chairs and merchandise.

HPC Merchandise

The committee agrees that we should continue selling the black and white note cards, plaques and the "Centennial" book. These items will be sold at the Open House, Town Club Boutique, and Mountain Lakes Day. The book is available for sale at the Mountain Lakes Library. Other items should be available for sale at the library as well.

The sale of the "Centennial" book has been very successful and the first printing is nearly gone (only 10 left). Lesley and Pat are currently searching for the digital copy of the book. Margaret DeWitt will look into reprinting options. Reprinting should probably be soft cover for cost savings. A price reduction to $50 for remaining copies with damaged/missing dust covers was agreed to.

An idea was proposed for holiday ornaments and reprinting "The Hapgood Houses" as a new item to sell. It is believed that the library has been selling "The Hapgood Houses" but it was not clear who owned the rights. HPC does not get any of that revenue.

The "Centennial" posters have not been selling well and a need to discount them for Mountain Lakes day was agreed to. No specific price was set.

Date for Next Meeting

Next meeting is June 16th (Thursday) at 7:30 pm in the meeting room in the basement of the Mountain Lakes Library.

Minutes prepared by Alex Gotthelf and Lesley Karczewski.