picture Gallery

Our world class sailors

Our world class sailors - Matt, Robert and Andrew


           Upsy Daisy

You Dont Have to Be Big to Sail

You don’t have to be big to sail

It will sail better right side up

It will sail better right side up

Mr. E.s grandkids
Preparing to play sailball
The blue sallball team
The orange sailball team
A crowd at the goal
Don't miss
Mr. E. day
First lesson
Regatta Winners
Regatta fleet
Our Commodore
Sand castle day
Our clubhouse

Mr. E.’s Grandkids


A crowd at the goal

Preparing to play sailball

The blue sailball team


The orange sailball teeam

First lesson

Regatta winners

Don’t miss

The regatta fleet

Mr. E. day

Our Commodore


Our club house

Sandcastle building day

Good form in sailball

Good form in sailball